[fic] we still are made of greed.

Mar 13, 2013 10:05

so apparently there are talks of a veronica mars movie if they can raise money for it in 30 days? (ETA: LOL, they're going to be able to raise the full amount in a couple of hours-- it's awfully fun to watch the numbers change) which I'm guessing means I should totally watch the show now sometime and I bet it's going to be like the time I watched ( Read more... )

character: kalinda sharma, in soviet russia post tags you, i'm kindasorta glad the world didn't end, character: cary agos, freud probably has a theory on it, fanfiction is a valid life choice, fandom: veronica mars, fandom: the good wife, fanfiction, why the world should have ended in 2012, fanfiction: the good wife, let's pretend i didn't write this, patron saint of doomed ships, ship: cary/kalinda, what even is my life?

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Comments 64

cranmers March 13 2013, 18:07:39 UTC
Saving this for later.

Hi though <33333 I miss you and the frequency that you used to dwell here ect. ect.

... )


youcallitwinter March 13 2013, 18:10:50 UTC
I DO TOO. Although I have been around for FMM recently. AND TGW BOUGHT ME BACK HERE.

Also, LOL, I have no idea who's the other person in the gif but it's qt <3


cranmers March 13 2013, 18:19:47 UTC
I'm missing a tonne of FMM due random RL occurrences. It's v grating! Although from my p.o.v the whole thing is a disaster. Rooting for Martha but pretty apprehensive. AH WELL.

Hehe - of course you'd be fixated on the one on the whole show I couldn't have less interest in. I LIKE KALINDA'S FACE THOuGH:

... )


youcallitwinter March 13 2013, 18:29:52 UTC
OMG RL SHOULD NOT INTRUDE ON FMM. That is too much suckage D: I barely know any of the characters anymore except Hermione, Sansa and Britta. But, if it helps, I voted Martha!

UM. YOU AREN'T INTERESTED IN KALINDA? IS THAT EVEN LEGAL? Unless you mean Cary, which, I can sort of understand, but I love him and I think he's one of those characters who've grown a lot through the course of the show, and in an extremely organic manner. (Are you all caught up, or did you stop watching somewhere midway?)

Hee, YES, I KNOW. We are both very pretty in the gif. :D


ishi_chan March 13 2013, 19:02:41 UTC
I hate you.

And I'm not even close to finished.


youcallitwinter March 13 2013, 19:08:18 UTC
LOL. I've had some ~400 words of this written out since ages; but last week's episode really made me want to finish it.


ishi_chan March 13 2013, 19:13:50 UTC
Speed dials is now head canon. Thanks :(


youcallitwinter March 13 2013, 19:19:25 UTC
LOL, GOOD, GOOD. I am actually ~worried about this fic because idk what it is.


eilowyn March 13 2013, 19:57:11 UTC
Yes! Watch Veronica Mars! Fall in love with Logan Echolls! Want Keith Mars for a dad! See New Girl's Schmidt before he was Schmidt!


youcallitwinter March 13 2013, 20:14:55 UTC
This is the silliest thing ever but I was also really worried about starting VM because I felt I wouldn't ship Veronica/Logan and then I'd be a fandom outcast. I've heard so much about this ship that my expectations are at olympian levels and I felt like maybe because I've heard so much before, I just won't ship it and that makes me ~anxious. I'm weird.



ishi_chan March 13 2013, 20:52:10 UTC

... )


youcallitwinter March 13 2013, 21:38:14 UTC

But also, yeah, it's one of those strange things where I'm absolutely used to the main characters getting a lot of hate (mostly because of their protagonist privilege, I guess) but everyone seems to love Veronica? That is kind of epic to me.


ishi_chan March 13 2013, 20:46:32 UTC
I just noticed you have never seen VMars DDDDDDD: WATCH IT. The first season especially is one of the best things I've ever watched. I am so sad that the rewards are limited to the US, because I kind of want to be part of this ;_;

(But LOL they met half their goal within the first 4 hours and the whole thing will go on for another 30 days XD)


youcallitwinter March 13 2013, 21:42:10 UTC
OKAY, I AM SO EXCITED RIGHT NOW. Although I can't seem to find dld-links that aren't huge. :( I don't remember VM ever airing here, oddly enough.

ALSO, they've restricted their donation base to the United States and they've still hit 1,472,151 (which means a second later, it shall be more and they're going to complete the whole thing in less than a day haha) in a couple of hours. Okay, that? Is awesome.


ishi_chan March 13 2013, 21:47:40 UTC

7 GB - all three seasons :DDDDD

I think I shall rewatch during the next few weeks as well

Apparently they're working on making it available internationally too LOL XD It's kind of fun watching the amount go up and up and up.

(The Producer/Writer whatevs already said that if they don't get to 3 Million he's gonna kill off Logan xDDD And Kristen Bell responded if they get to 5 she'll tazer him (Rob, not Logan) and make a vid of it. I love these people)


youcallitwinter March 13 2013, 22:00:19 UTC
Apparently the quality is pretty bad, according to the comments :( The one I'm trying is STUCK at 50% of the FIRST EPISODE. WHY WORLD. I think there's going to be a lot of fandom excitement and revival in the next few months!

Hahaha, now I'm REALLY wondering how much they'd have reached by 12th April, especially if they open it up internationally as well :D

(LOL, THEY KIND OF SOUND AWESOME. I mean, it was basically the promo video, which made me go "I HAVE TO WATCH THIS SHOW" because they're so qt in it and I ~vaguely recognize the characters and I was all OH HEY, YOU'RE HERE.)


spuffy_noelle March 13 2013, 21:10:50 UTC

... )


youcallitwinter March 13 2013, 21:51:03 UTC
The idea that they might actually LIVE UP TO THE HYPE (which I hadn't even considered till you mentioned it right now) is making me AKKFNJENSDFM.

Also, the movie is SO TOTALLY happening, considering they've already reached some ~1.5 million IN A COUPLE OF HOURS. Which is insane and amazing and I'M SO IMPRESSED RIGHT NOW.


spuffy_noelle March 13 2013, 22:53:44 UTC
(I'm literally watching VM on Soapnet right now.)

You absolutely need to watch it! The seasons are on Netflix and I know they were available at my local library if you don't want to buy them (even though I think they're pretty cheap on Amazon.)

My first thought when I saw the campaign was "Oh no there's only a month left. I wonder how long this has been going on and if they can raise another $.5 mil in only a month." BLOWN AWAY by the VM fans.


youcallitwinter March 13 2013, 23:04:00 UTC
LOL, I am literally sitting and watching the numbers change, for a show I haven't even seen. What is my life even?

That's the thing about being here; Amazon isn't available here. I think it tried to come in this year, but failed. It's really hard to actually get anything. :s But I will ask friends, I'm pretty sure someone will have it!

I know, RIGHT?! When I first saw the promo, I was like 2 million dollars, wow, okay, I do hope fandom isn't crushed if it doesn't happen.


In the one second I checked right now to see what was happening, the pledges increased by 50. Just, wow. I'm pretty sure, they're going to raise the full 2 mil $ in an hour or so!


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