Did i just sit here and read all 13 chapters? Yes! and it was amazing! ur a really talented writer!!!! thanks soooo much for this story and please up date soon!!!!
sgkhasnflkmfmladhkjamasnbfkasmdsmnls i legit cannot form words to explain how much i adore this fic, your characterisation is perfect, and i really feel for zack okay my poor bby ))): i'm excited to see what's in that envelope though, you really leave me hanging on the edge, man! definitely one of my favourites :') <3
Comments 4
I love this story though, it's wonderfully written and I love the overall flow of it. :)
i legit cannot form words to explain how much i adore this fic, your characterisation is perfect, and i really feel for zack okay my poor bby ))):
i'm excited to see what's in that envelope though, you really leave me hanging on the edge, man!
definitely one of my favourites :') <3
you cannot possibly understand how hard I laughed at taht oh my god thankyou
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