Meme Time.

Jun 26, 2008 09:32

10 things you wish you could say to ten different people right now:

Fun times. )

what: meme, what: quizzes, who: me

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Comments 15

isisizabel June 28 2008, 00:26:30 UTC
1. I'm not sure my soul is in writing anymore.

Think you're burned out? I got that way, and I haven't written much since. I used to crank out fanfic after fic after fanfic after fic and one day I just stopped.

That was it.

It was like my muse went to the grocery store and then moved to Antarctica. We don't talk. I'm waiting for the divorce papers.


xtremeroswellia July 3 2008, 13:27:28 UTC
Yeah, burned out seems like the right term. Maybe our muses ran off *together*. O.o


etapa June 30 2008, 05:50:21 UTC
Just wanted to give you one, so... *hugs*


xtremeroswellia July 3 2008, 13:27:48 UTC
Thanks, hon! *hugs*


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