Dear guinea pigs:

May 24, 2008 11:38

Please stop trying to give your mom a heart attack, okay ( Read more... )

pet: buttercup, pets: guinea pigs

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Comments 14

isisizabel May 24 2008, 17:11:09 UTC
Silly piggie. She just likes caring ya, huh?


xtremeroswellia May 24 2008, 18:24:35 UTC
Apparently so. Little booger. :P


monicaop May 24 2008, 17:13:06 UTC
Oh my, I'm so glad she's ok!! But yeah, poor you!!! Hugs!!!!


xtremeroswellia May 24 2008, 18:25:01 UTC
Heh, thanks. *hugs* She's fine, so I'm fine. ;)


amizada May 24 2008, 17:38:30 UTC
What a relief! Thank God your baby is alright. *hugs*


xtremeroswellia May 24 2008, 18:25:14 UTC
Amen to that! *hugs*


abandonedworld May 24 2008, 17:49:47 UTC
Oooo Buttercup, giving her mama a run for her money. *tsk tsk*

*hugs you and BC* <3 Little guys are too cute ;)


xtremeroswellia May 24 2008, 18:25:42 UTC
We hug you back. *smiles* <3


rightxhere May 24 2008, 22:34:40 UTC
Oh I so know how that is! Sometimes I sit staring intently at my cats when they make weird noises, wondering if they're okay. Usually they are, and then they look up at me with this "What?" expression that makes me think they like to give me a heartattack! And people wonder why I sometimes say my cats are evil.....the things they do.....

But yeah, SO glad Buttercup is okay hon! *hugs*


xtremeroswellia May 26 2008, 02:01:14 UTC
Don't you love pets that try to scare the heck out of you? :P *hugs*


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