
Jul 05, 2007 11:31

Just a quick update--between deadline, the office moving across town next week and Bosco being sick, I haven't been around much. I don't know when I'll be around again on a semi-regular basis. Things here are mad crazy and I'm not getting a whole lot of sleep ( Read more... )

health: insomnia, life, pets: guinea pigs, life: moving, work: general, pet: bosco (bozzie bear)

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Comments 4

pen37 July 5 2007, 19:06:10 UTC

Take your time beta-ing that story. I'm out of town until monday, and then I'm probably posting some other stuffies first.

*hugs bosco*
*hugs angie*
*kicks office*


the_satyr_icon July 5 2007, 19:15:16 UTC
You're alive!
I hope Bosco has a full recovery, and you have a less stressful time!



isisizabel July 5 2007, 20:34:22 UTC
Awww, sweetie, take it easy. Life gets crazy and we all know that. Just take it easy and breathe. It'll get better. Hopefully Bosco will bounce back sooner rather than later, like his namesake. ;-)

Take care of you!



monicaop July 5 2007, 21:55:02 UTC
Oh my!! You must be so tired!! I hope Bosco gets better soon!! You need to get some more sleep girl, is not good for you to deprive yourself in this way!!. I hope things improve for you my friend, hugs!! Be well and take care.


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