Two Guys, a Girl and a Chevy Impala: Fic Three: Gno-Man's Land

Jan 06, 2007 23:59

Series: Two Guys, a Girl and a Chevy Impala
Title: Fic 3: Gno-Man’s Land
Authors: Clarksmuse and X_tremeroswellian
Rated: R
Pairings: Chloe/Dean, Sam/Sarah

"Sammy!" Dean yelled, grabbing his bag and shoving his things into it. "Dude, you about ready?" Not that they had anyplace urgent to be, but they had to pick up Sarah on their way out of town.

"Coming!" Sam called from the bathroom, checking himself in the mirror, wanting to look his best for Sarah. Suddenly he heard his cell chirping, so he pulled it out of his pocket... and immediately flipped it open. "Missouri?" he asked anxiously.

"Hello, Sam. How are ya, boy?"

"Fine, ma'am," he said, knowing she'd probably catch him in a lie.

"Uh huh. So what's this on my machine about a brainwashing cult hurting a friend of yours?"

Sam blinked. "Yeah, Dean and I need your help. See, there's..." He stopped and sighed, knowing she didn't like to beat around the bush. "Chloe's been brainwashed by a preacher and is suffering from PTSD, I think. Can you help?"

Missouri was silent for a moment. "I'll need you to bring her here."

"Okay, we can be there in a couple days." Sooner, if Dean had anything to say to it, he thought sadly, sneaking a look at his brother, who had started packing Sam's bag, obviously impatient to leave.

"I'll see you soon then."

"Thanks Missouri," Sam said and closed the phone. Leaving the bathroom, he looked at Dean with an uncertain look.

"About time," Dean growled, throwing Sam's bag at him. "Never tell me what you were doing..."

"Missouri called," Sam told him without hesitation.

Dean looked at Sam seriously. "Think she can help her?" he asked, glancing at Chloe's door.

"Sounds like it. She said bring Chloe to her." He paused, glancing in the same direction.

Striding to the connecting door between their rooms, Dean said, "So let's go. Is Sarah still coming with us?"

"Yeah. Dean, hold up." Sam looked at his brother. "Somehow I don't think she's gonna be thrilled to hear we're heading back to Kansas."

He took his hand off the doorknob. "Wait, we have to take Chloe to Missouri?" he asked, a little incredulous. "Why can't she meet us somewhere?" Sam was right about one thing: if Chloe knew they might return to Kansas, she would run. Fast and away from them.

"I don't know, Dean. She just said bring her and I said okay."

"For a college boy, you sure forget how to ask questions." Dean looked down and thought for a long moment. "We're gonna have to lie to her or something. Dammit."

"Not necessarily." Sam drew in a breath. "We could just tell her Missouri found out about Dad... and she wants to see us."

"Which, knowing Missouri, she probably knows something, anyway," he said with a grimace.

"Probably. But if not... she needs to." He rubbed the back of his neck wearily.

He hated it when Sam was right, but... he was right. They had to start dealing with Dad, though Dean didn't want to touch that issue with a ten foot pole. "Fine. Can I get Chloe, now?" he snapped a little.

Sam gazed at him intently. "I'll be out in the car." He grabbed his bags and headed for the door.

Knocking on the door, he opened it and peeked his head in. "Chloe, you ready to go?" he called, not seeing her within eye reach. He briefly wondered if the moment they'd shared the night before had scared her off again. His face fell at the mere thought.

"Yeah." She emerged from the bathroom, looking ghostly pale. "I'm ready."

The haunted look on her face downright scared him. "Chloe, what's wrong?" he asked, stepping into the room and across towards her.

Chloe looked toward the connecting door. "Is Sam...?"

"Sammy's outside waiting for us in the car," Dean said, taking her arms in his hands. "What's wrong?"

Feeling vaguely nauseous, she couldn't meet his eyes. "I think..."

Dean stood there, rubbing her arms gently in comfort. He had no idea what she was trying to say, so he waited for her to say something.

"I'm late." Her voice was nearly inaudible.

Dean stared at her for a moment, not comprehending what she was trying to tell him. Suddenly, it dawned on him what she was saying. "No," he whispered. "What? No..." He was at a complete loss of words.

Swallowing hard, she remained motionless, her breathing shaky.

Dean felt like he was the father, his hands shaking ever so slightly on her arms. What did this mean for her, he wondered, if....? He couldn't focus on any one thought, although... it suddenly occurred to him what Clark had done to hurt her like he had. "Goddammit," he growled, closing his eyes, the pain nearly blinding him.

Chloe flinched a little, but somehow knew he wasn't angry with her. She leaned heavily against the table, resting her head in her hands. And wondering what the hell she was going to do.

writing: general, sv/spn fic: 2 guys a girl & a chevy impa, pairing: saram, chloe/dean, fanfic: general, chlean

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