Title: The Snowball Effect of a Weekend's Entertainment
Chapter: 6/6 - Cloud's Day Out
xpaperplanexRating: NC-17
Word Count: ~5000
Pairing: Sephiroth/Cloud
Genre: AU, hurt/comfort
Warnings: dubcon, smut, cat!Cloud
Disclaimer: I do not own FFVII and make no money from this work.
Summary: What was meant to be a relaxing weekend for Sephiroth to blow off
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Comments 8
And I loved reading this story so much!!! Thank YOU so much for writing so much cuteness. KittyCloud cuteness.
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it! It was lots of fun to write all the cute :D
KittyCloud is so cute!
Poor little Cloud! Ah, Seph...you are surely a treat, turning out the entirety of SOLDIER to find him. (definitely wouldn't want to be the people who didn't allow those messages through when Seph gets done with them) Love how Cloud is teaching Seph every bit as much as Seph is teaching him...
Poor Cloud indeed, it was a very scary adventure. I think Sephiroth got several angry memos about abusing his authority to find a mere cat. Thank you, Cloud may not always realize that he's teaching Sephiroth, but he's been a much needed instructor.
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