Title: A Force to be Reckoned With
hobbit_eyesFandoms: Doctor Who/Star Wars
Characters Anakin Skywalker, Yoda; Donna Noble, Tenth Doctor
Pairings: None
Rating: PG
Word count: 6,074
Spoilers: Set between episode 2 and 3 of the prequel trilogy (but with references to events of the original trilogy), up to series 4 of Doctor Who
Warnings: None
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Comments 18
This was so beyond wonderful. Just... everything. I was grinning throughout. Donna's inability to remember the word Jedi, Donna trying to get through the ducts like in every action movie ever, DONNA & R2!!!! and just every single thing. Loved Donna's grudging partnership with Anakin and how she isn't used to this kind of spaceship. And then yay for the Doctor being BFFs with Yoda. Of course he is!
But I think the bit I laughed hardest at was the whole thing about "He's 900 years old; how much better could he look?" Such a good little nubbin of info from both fandoms. :)
This whole fic was amazingly hilarious but I loved this passage especially.
omg I don't even know where to start, I loved this so much. R2-D2 alternating between aggressive and friendly beeps! Jelly Knights! The Doctor having an honorary diploma? BRILLIANT! ♥
“Did... someone leave him out in the sun too long, or something?”
Anakin looked offended. “Master Yoda is a great Jedi, and nearly nine hundred years old. I don’t know anyone who could look much better at that age, can you?”
Nope, of course not! ;) Love the little exchange at the end too...
Oh, man. You make me wish that Donna had been there to smack some sense into Anakin and avert all the pain and death of the future. BECAUSE SHE'S THE MOST IMPORTANT WOMAN IN THE UNIVERSE. Anakin needs to recognize. XD
Heh. Now I want Donna crossed with /everyone/. To show them how wrong they're doing it. XD
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