"I sewed my broken heart back together again"

Mar 27, 2005 01:28

Ok, so can life get any better? If it did, I'd pass out from all the happiness ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

ohlickmyass March 27 2005, 15:29:26 UTC
Patrick loooooooooooves Army of Darkness. A lot.

Yay. Um, if you're getting tattooed by Stephen at Underground Ink, my friend Matt King asked him to fix my tattoo for me. I don't think I'm going to do it because I'm scared of getting it fucked up even more buuuut ... um.. buttsex.


xo_memarie_xo March 28 2005, 15:06:14 UTC
It's an awesome movie. I liked it alot.


meghan22089 March 28 2005, 00:53:11 UTC
im glad that your life is going really great for you! and it seems like it has been going that way for a while too. LUCKY BITCH! lol


xo_memarie_xo March 28 2005, 15:05:20 UTC
Thanks. I am really happy. Hopefully it will stay this way. I really like Aaron. He has "get over Josh Nelson" potenial. lol.


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