Gaming Tiems

Feb 05, 2011 11:26

After a long discussion and hemming and hawwing, my husband and I decided to get a Wii with our tax return. So far we Indiana Jones 2 and Mario Kart. If anyone has suggestions for games, I'm all ears. And if someone has a Wii and wants our friend code, just let me know ( Read more... )

2011, real life bs, grad school kills brain cells

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Comments 27

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xlivvielockex February 5 2011, 20:46:52 UTC
Thanks! I will look into that one. :)


eilowyn February 5 2011, 19:29:48 UTC
Miss you too! I've been bogged down with school as well, so I haven't even been able to check tumblr to see if you're still around there! With a new job on the horizon, my time will be even more constrained, but it's good to check in every now and again, isn't it?


xlivvielockex February 5 2011, 20:47:41 UTC
NEW JOB! That is great news! But yeah, the time issue. :)

I'm always on Tumblr. It's just faster. I can post something or reblog in a few minutes, when I'm taking a study break.


sidhlairiel February 5 2011, 19:46:29 UTC
I feel you with the grad school busyness and the lack of time for fanficcing. It's awful when you simply don't have a spare moment to write anything down and you've got all these ideas swirling around your head and taunting you. Assignments be damned, there are fic-a-thon prompts to fill!


xlivvielockex February 5 2011, 20:48:41 UTC
Lucky for me this weekend seems to be pretty assignment free so I can really just dive into my fic. If not, my next week is pretty tame too.

I'm going to Utah in April for a conference. 10 hr car ride, plenty of time to write. LOL


damnskippytoo February 5 2011, 20:09:02 UTC
I've got the games things (like tennis, bowling and the one with Skil Ball and shuffle board) which are fun and get your heart pumping. I've got the roller coaster game which I'm not fond of and the newest Harvet Moon for Nintindo which I don't like. I prefer the old school version. So, I'd be interested in the recommendations you get.


xlivvielockex February 5 2011, 20:46:33 UTC
We bought Mario Kart so that we could play with one of our family friends and we spent most of the morning playing that. It's your typical Mario Kart.

Husbear bought Lego Indiana Jones 2 and some flying game. We always have fun with the Lego games. We had them all for our PS2.

Also got the Sports and Resort games.

Did you see they have a Kirby game where Kirby is yarn? I really want to get that one when it drops in price.

For the most part, we play a lot of RPGs and team games. Husbear loves his racing games and I love kid's games (cause I'm not really good).

If I find anything really good, I will be sure to tell you. If you like Star Wars, they have a Lego Star Wars that we had for PS2 that we just loved. It's actually easier to play it one player than the two player mode. LOL


damnskippytoo February 5 2011, 21:05:04 UTC
I used to play Mario Kart with friends a lot and loved it. But I've got no one to play with now, so I'm not sure it would be so fun as a one player thing.

I'm not wild about RPGs because I don't have the patience for all the dialogue and repeating all that dialogue when you have to go back and do it again.

I've always been a first-person shooter kinda game lover (like Duke Nukem) or the kiddie, used-to-be scrolling screen-type games. I just checked out the Kirby Yarn one on YT. It could be a possibility. And I saw "Charge" which is a cow racing game that looks fun. :) I never thought about checking them out on YT first, but now I will!


xlivvielockex February 5 2011, 21:06:55 UTC
We got it since you can play it online, which is awesome for us. I'm always up for playing with you, if you still have it. I can email you our friend code.

I need that cow racing game for the husbear. He will love it!


impetusofadream February 5 2011, 21:02:59 UTC
I love Just Dance and Just Dance 2...cause I get to exercise and play a game! Burning carbs without going to the gym FOR THE WIN!!!!


damnskippytoo February 5 2011, 21:06:06 UTC
I forgot about Just Dance! My nieces and nephews play that all the time. And I definitely need the carb burning help. :)


impetusofadream February 6 2011, 06:55:52 UTC


xlivvielockex February 5 2011, 21:07:49 UTC
Those are totally on my list! I'm getting Wii Cheer first cause well, former Cheerleader. That was pretty much what sold me on Wii (Along with the Project Runway and Epic Mickey, games).

I really want the Glee karaoke too.


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