Weekend Debriefing

Nov 01, 2004 14:14

This weekend I went to the Pasadena City College Watson-Lancer forensics tournament for Phi Rho Pi (2 year speech nationals) eligible competitors. I had a really great time competing and even more fun sitting with my new and old teammates at the hotel. I have to say, finally meeting more of the new people was a cool experience. As far as tournament ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

w0rd. deb8g33k November 1 2004, 15:30:40 UTC
UC Moorpark ownz j00.

Morpark-GS For Eva'


The oracle. mavaddat November 1 2004, 23:01:43 UTC
Thanks for the shout out, man. I respect you guys so much. I have many things to learn yet...


Re: The oracle. xkhalipha November 1 2004, 23:03:02 UTC
I know that I am always happy to lend whatever aid I can. It's been such a pleasure having you on the team Mav, I'm sure it's only going to get better.


imhynotic November 2 2004, 15:39:25 UTC
where in sherman oaks key? I live in studio city/sherman oaks... let me know eher and what time...... tonight is bad bc of the election and opening night for the lakers.

call me


naihuri1 November 2 2004, 19:46:19 UTC
Hey potna good congrates 4 a weekend well done.Glad u had fun.Tell Kasey congrates 4 me too.Next week i 4 sho.what time are u gettin 2 the tourney this weekend?Let me know so i can hook up wit u afterwards if u aint doin anything.An again good congrates too U an yo team.Holla at yo boy


hulabear November 2 2004, 21:13:30 UTC
if your doing that reading next tuesday, i'd love to come and see you

ill talk to you about it at school or online. :)


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