what happenned to diana?
November 9 2005, 07:17:07 UTC
aw...kellee am sorry i didn't call you i've been sick i have something like what nina had...except i went in time and i don't need surgery but medicine is not helping since my body keeps rejecting the medicine i've been in pain i have no idea what do ....i got like a million shots but it keeps rejecting this weekend is kellee weekend okay sorry i miss you guys i haven't gone to school in like two days hope i feel better in a couple of days so i can hang out with you!!i love you kellee! i'll call you! =Diana=
Comments 2
the medicine i've been in pain i have no idea what do ....i got like a million shots but it keeps rejecting this weekend is kellee weekend okay sorry i miss you guys i haven't gone to school in like two days hope i feel better in a couple of days so i can hang out with you!!i love you kellee! i'll call you! =Diana=
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