Title: You Are My Soul
Chapter: 04
Word Count: 611
Pairing: Ninomiya Kazunari x Fictional Character
Minor Characters: The rest of Arashi plus Ikuta Toma. Others may be added later on?
Rating: I live in a G-rated bubble.
Disclaimer: Johnny Kitagawa owns Arashi, and I’ll only take credit for the really stupid plot.
Summary: Nino as a high school student. Yes, what a perfect summary.
Past Chapters:
01 02 03 ☂ AUTHOR’S NOTES ;
Please, I beg you, DO tell me if it’s getting boring/uninteresting/this-wasn’t-as-good-as-before. I just need ONE person to tell me that and I’ll *click fingers* drop this series just like that. I really don’t know where I’m going from Chapter 04 onwards. But for those people who actually think it’s still worth for me to continue, please tell me!
PS. This is all Toma x Mai. No Nino for this chapter. *sad face* But hey, it’s Toma. *happy face*
Toma arrived at Mai’s house at 11pm sharp. Her mother answered the door. “Toma-kun!” she greeted him. “Taking out Mai to a date, huh?” Toma blushed. “She’s in her room.”
Toma bowed and walked upstairs, skipping every second step.
He peeked into her room. Quietly, he slipped in.
She was reading, lying down on her stomach. Her hair was let down and some were in her face, but as she turned the pages, she didn’t seem to notice. Mai looked beautiful, though she was just wearing a simple t-shirt and shorts outfit. Toma made up his mind.
‘I will definitely tell her today.’
Keeping the bunch of roses he had out of sight, Toma cleared his throat.
Mai looked at him. “You’re late,” she said, looking at the watch Toma gave her for her sixteenth birthday. “Again. But only by four minutes this time.”
Toma smiled. “Sorry.” Mai got up, fixed her clothes and put down her book. Then she looked at him closely. “Did you comb your hair?” she asked.
Toma blushed again. He nodded. “Geez, what for?” Mai giggled, screwing it up.
“Oi!” Toma shrieked, jumping away. Mai laughed. “Come on, I’m hungry. You better treat me to five rolls of sushi.”
“Five?!” Toma asked. Mai nodded. Then she realized that he seemed to be holding something. “Hey, what’s in your hand?”
“Nothing…” Toma replied hesitantly.
“Uso! Show it!”
Toma tried to keep it away from her. She wrestled with him, trying to reach for whatever was in his hand. His heart begun beating faster, as they got closer and closer. Her face was only a good three centimeters away from his.
“Don’t be mean, Iku-chan! Show me!~”
Toma softened, hearing the name Mai gave to him when they were little. She had stopped calling him that, because he lied to her that he hated it, when in fact, he would love to be called Iku-chan. But only by her.
“Alright, I’m showing it!” Toma gave up. “Finally… You’re gonna tire me out before we even step out of my house,” Mai sat down on her bed.
“I’ll show you… but you promise you won’t fall in love with me, okay?” Mai grabbed the nearest book and was about to throw it at him, but he shrieked. She laughed. “You sound like a girl.”
Toma glared at her. “Do you want me to show it to you or not?”
“All right, I’m sorry. Show it please.”
Toma slowly revealed the bunch of roses he was hiding. He was nervous. What would her reaction be? What would she think of the roses? What would she think of him? Would she get the hint? He kept his head low, ashamed, scared of whatever will happen.
Toma looked up. Mai was staring at him.
“They’re… yours…” Toma stammered. “Mine?” she whispered.
As she took them, their hands touched. Toma felt like his heart was about to explode with happiness. She smelt them, her eyes closed.
“Wah, they smell so nice…” Toma, smiled, glad that she liked the roses. They headed out of her house after Mrs. Yoshida put the roses in a vase.
“You’re a bit too early though,” Mai said. “For what?” Toma said, puzzled. “Didn’t you say I was four minutes late?”
“For my birthday, baka! You gave me those flowers for my birthday, right? There’s still a month to go.”
Oh, geez. She thinks it’s for her birthday.
Toma laughed. “Oh… Ha. Haha, yeah. Oh well. It’ll be your eighteenth. It should be special. This is just the beginning…”
He held out his arm. Mai put her arm in his, and they took the bus to the beach.