Hankyung look towards the bed with eyes full of tears. He didn;t like the sight one bit. Everyone had cleared the room but him. He walked to
the side of the bed and sat down holding onto Heechul's hand. He began to cry. Harder than he has ever cried before." Yah Heechul, why
did you have to be stupid and leave the dorm? Why don't you ever bring a jacket. You need to take better care of yourself!" he said in
between sobs. Eeteuk had just walked in to get Hankyung. He looked up from the bed at Eeteuk with red eyes that had tears falling fast.
Eeteuk ran to his side and pulled him into a tigh embrace. "It's okay Hankyung, he''ll be fine." he said as he rocked the crying boy. He stood
him up and walked out. Hankyung stopped at the door, and took a final look at his best friend.. "I'll see you tomorrow Heechul,"
It was early the next morning, and Eeteuk had woke up to take Hankyung to see Heechul like he promised. He walked into Hankyung's room
to find him missing. He noticed a note on the bed, "Hyung, I left without you. I'll just meet you there. -Hankyung" he read, he quickly went
back into his room to get ready and leave. How would Hankyung get there with his broken Korean? He shook his head and left the dorm.
He arrived at the hospital and went to Heechul's room. There he saw Hankyung talking to a now breathing Heechul. "Heechul!" he yelled
as he ran over to them. Heechul smiled at the sight of his hyung. "Missed me didn't you?" he said smiling."yahm you're lucky to have
Hankyung, you'd probably be dead if it weren't for him." Eeteuk said. Heechul looked over to Hankyung and pinched his cheeks, hard.
"aw, little Hannie loves me. enough to take me to the hospital" Heechul said still pinching his cheeks. Hankyung gave him a face as he
swatted his hand away."Hankyung did you eat yet?" Eeteuk asked. He nodded his head no. Heechul hit his hand. "Yah, you need to eat.
I'm going to be around forever you know." he said looking at Hankyung. "You shouldn't be talking, going outside without a jacket in winter,
are you dumb?" Hankyung retorted. Heechul smirked before saying something back. Eeteuk laughed and left the room to get food from the
cafeteria for the 3. Hankyung and Heechul continued to argue until Heechul started coughing again. Hankyung started to get worried and
got Heechul's cup and made him drink. "Calm down I'm fine." Hankyung just looked at him with a worried face. Seeing this face, Heechul
patted his bed for Hankyung to get on. "Just like at the dorm" is all he said Hankyung nodded and laid beside Heechul, and just sat there.
"my head feels lonely" Heechul said, looking up at Hankyung. Hee looked down at Heechul with a confused expression. "You were running
you hands through my hair at the dorm," He said still looking at Hankyung. "How did you know? You were sleeping," he asked with a
suprised look. " I know everything," Heechul said smiling as Hankyung began running his hands through his hair. Soon Heechul fell
asleep, and so did Hankyung. Byt the time Eeteuk returned to the room with food, his two dongsengs were sleeping peacefully.
He smiled at the sight and set the food down on the counter, walked over to the couch and read a magazine while he ate. A few minutes
later an anger Kangin barged throught the door. "PARK JUNGSU," he said yelling. Eeteuk threw some of his food before he could say
anything else. "yah, do you not see that they're sleeping?!" he yelled in a whisper. Kangin looked at the 2 sleeping not flinching from the
loud noise. He walked over to Eeteuk who resumes his reading and food. "Hyuuuung, why'd you leave me?" Kangin said kneeling in front
od Eeteuk pouting. Eeteuk looked over the top of the magazine only showing his eyes before speaking. "Because I promised Hankyung I'd
take him to the hospital this morning, but I was a little late on doing so thanks to you. He was gone by the time I woke up." He said lowering
his eyes back to the magazine. "Hyuuuuung" Kangin said continuing his whining. "Yah, be quiet, they're trying to sleep." By now Eeteuk
was annoyed by his dongsengs whining. "Hyuuu-" "YAH KANGIN, shut up, can't you see that I'm sick and trying to sleep? And that
Hankyung is trying to sleep? He's been here All night!" Heechul said with an angry face. Eeteuks head shot up, "WHAT?! He said he'd go
this morning. He even left me a note!" Eeteuk said. Heechuk shook his head. "He came in last night, I told the doctor to call you, but
Hakyung was determined to stay." he said before coughing. Hankyung woke up right away hearing Heechul cough, he got up and got
Heechul's drink. "Thanks, but you really need to relax, and sleep." he said taking th cup from Hankyung.
Back at the dorm everyone was starting to wake up. Sungmin and Kyuhyun woke up to the sound of the door bell. Kyuhyun began to get up
but Sungmin told him to go back to sleep. He left the room and headed to the door. He opened the door to see Yunho and JaeJoong with
gifts. Yunho's mouth opened. He'd never seen so much pink on a boy before.(referring to his pjs). JaeJoong giggled,"Sungmin-ah, where
did you get your pajam's? It's cute, do they have any other colors? I want to get Yunho one!" JaeJoong said earning him a glare from
Yunho. "Thanks I got it from T-" Sungmin began to say before he was cut off by Yunho. "These are for Heechul, we heard he was sick."
He said handing some of the girfts to Sungmin, "Thanks, yeah he's still in the hospital for about a week or so." he told them. At this time
Kyuhyun came out rubbing his closed eyes. "Hyung who was it?" not noticing Yunho and JaeJoong. "Hi Kyu~" JaeJoong said to the
sleepy boy. Kyuhyun finally opened his eyes seeing the two DBSK members. "Hi Jae hyung, Yunho hyung." He said waving at them.
He noticed the gifts in Sungmin and Jaejoongs hands. "I'll take those inside for you," He said without even asking who they were for.
He took the gifts from Jaejoong and Sungmin and said bye. "He's such a nice kid," Jaejoong said glaring at Yunho. Yunho mumble
something that earned him a hit to the head. The couple began arguing while Sungmin stood there watching them. Kyuhyun heard them,
and came to the rescue.(keke xD i got stuck). He Picked Sungmin up and Closed the door. As they walked away they could here JaeJoong
Yeeling, "See, why cant you pick me up like Kyu does to Sungmin?!" Kyuhyun laughed at what he heard, he set Sungmin back into his bed.
And went into the Kitchen. Kyuhyun began making what he usually eats in the mornings. French toast with banana's and powered sugar
with syrup. While cutting the banana's, he cut his finger. He cursed himself for not paying attention. He fliped each pancake with care. He
piled them up high before cutting them into bunny shaped, then adding the bananas on top with the sugar and syrup. Carrying this to
Sungmin who was fast asleep. He gently shook Sungmin awake, who rubbed his eyes the way a little kid would. Opening his eyes he saw
a smiling boy with the bunny pancakes. Sungmin squealed with happiness, attacking Kyuhyun with a hug almost knocking the food out of
his hands. Once he was free, Kyuhyun began feeding Sungmin, stopping every now and then to laugh at his hyung who currently looked like
like a child. He finished all the pancakes Sungmin gets up to go shower. "Thanks for breakfast Kyu!" He said as he kissed him
before going to the bathroom. Kyuhyun froze as Sungmin left, 'did he just kiss me?' he said quietly. Sungmin was in the shower by the
time he realized what he had just done. He dropped the shampoo bottle and froze, 'did I just kiss him?" Sungmin asked. Just then Kyuhyun
opened the door, "Hyung,-" Sungmin poked his head out. "Did I just kiss you Kyu?" he asked. Kyuhyun nodded his head, with a slight blush
on his face. Sungmin poked his head back in and continued his shower. Kyuhyun left him to finish while he went back to the room.
Visitors time was up and 3 the members had to go. But Hankyung was sure to stay, so the doctor had sent in an extra bed for Hankyung to
sleep on so he wouldn't have to sleep on the couch. "Don't leave this room okay?" Eeteuk said hugging Hankyung. He nodded while
pushing Eeteuk and Kangin out of the door. He climbed into his bed, but then Heechul patted his bed. Hankyung swtiched beds and laid
next to Heechul. He began singing the song his mother use to sing to him, putting Heechul to sleep. "bu zhi zen me hua la la la la wo shuai
le yi shen ni.."