Fan Fiction - A Sorta Fairytale - Allison (Teen Wolf) - 1/1

Oct 31, 2014 23:43

Title: A Sorta Fairytale
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Characters: Allison Argent
Pairing: Scott/Allison
Rating: G
Word count: 80
Warnings: None
A/N: Takes place between "Master Plan" and "Tattoo." No spoilers. Written for the 20in20 challenge at gameofcards. Also on AO3. The table with all 20 stories can be found here.
Inspiration: A Sorta Fairytale-Tori Amos
Summary: While packing up her room, Allison realizes she may not quite be over Scott.

Allison was packing up her room, deciding what to take to the apartment and what would go into storage.

She picked up a framed photo of her and Scott that rested on the nightstand. She should really replace the photo with one of her parents or of Lydia, now that she and Scott were broken up, and put the picture itself in storage.

She debated with herself before putting the frame, picture intact, into a box labeled “Allison’s Room-Apartment.”

fan fiction, character: allison argent, tv show: teen wolf, challenges, community: gameofcards, relationship: scott/allison

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