Mar 19, 2010 00:15

As a follow-up or companion to the volunteer post we just put up, this is a general plotting and Q&A post for what you can do regarding rescue missions or similar. Since we know everyone's pretty confused about what you're allowed or not allowed to do.


1. Organising Rescue Missions
If your character is a member of the X-Men or a similar level or rank, they can be planning to rescue the students from the Brotherhood. Either a specific individual or group, or just every follower of Magneto, it's up to the character. We encourage MEETINGS, especially ones that involve COFFEE and a GLOWING HOLOGRAM OF THE WORLD that you can point at with a laserpen. Organise logs, plots or simple contributions in this post!

Obviously students can also try to stage rescues, but their chances of success are considerably lower and Xavier will be on the look-out for any growing vigilantism in his students.

2. Reactions To The Brotherhood
The period of shock and recovery is ending. The students still at Xavier's are safe and the mansion's defences have been strengthened considerably. The sudden influx of new students and staff temporarily put plans and action on hold, but they're all settled in now. See #1. However, your characters might have been reacting or planning things on their own before this. This is your chance to let everyone know how they've been handling the events of the past two weeks.

As usual, any questions can be posted here or asked of a moderator directly via AIM.


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