Title: Purgatory
Author: Xanateria
Crossover: Supernatural/Sanctuary with a side of Buffy
Type: Contains het and slash but not Wincest
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Helen Magnus, John Druitt, Will Zimmerman, Henry Foss, Ashley Magnus, Nikola Tesla, Kate Freelander, Bigfoot, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Willow Rosenberg, Rupert Giles. Pairings: Will/Sam, Dean/Ashley, past Helen/John
Warnings: Nothing really. Contains cannon character death, a bit of naughty language and some references to eventual sex. Oh, and a smooch or two. Really, I didn't know I could write something this tame and enjoy it so much.
Author's Note: I know, the timelines don’t quite match. Fortunately, this is fiction, so we can all pretend present day is happening at the same time in each universe. Present day action takes place just after the series ends for Buffy, just after the beginning of the episode Kali pt II for Sanctuary, and Exile on Main St. for Supernatural. Be warned though, it goes seriously AU after that. Before anything else, I have to send a huge thank you out to
csichick_2 for the fantastic art she created to go with this story. Click to see the
art. I've never done a story that had an artist before, and I was lucky enough to get one who made the whole experience worthwhile. Special thanks to my beta reader
datista who went above and beyond any reasonable expectation in battling my tense shifts, comma abuses and repeated words. This is a much better story thanks to her input. Any remaining mistakes are solely my fault. Also, this story wouldn’t have seen the light of day if not for
trinipedia, who was my personal cheerleader while I wrestled with the plot and last minute posting jitters.
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five