We're counting down the days to departure - all jabs jabbed, malaria tablets taken, we're now just visiting relatives and picking up a few final useful bits and pieces, making laminated cards with basic English verbs on them, etc. Finished the training last week with a final session on groupwork (a bit of argument or 'storming' in a maturing group
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Comments 5
When I was learning Italian in Perugia, I met a guy who insisted that paedophilia must be fashionable in England ("the done thing"?) because it was all over the newspapers here. I defended our green and pleasant land "to the hilt" - and now I find you saying this! Frankly, Mr Stott, you sicken me.
- You-Know-Perfectly-Well-Who
i bet you think I'll just whinge and moan about my feelings constantly. Which is very mean of you. I mean, just because it's all I've been doing for the last 23 years, that's no reason to assume I'll continue in the same vein :-P
That sounds like my LJ too!! Bex will confirm I am mean if you ask her :P
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