Pretty good weekend. Went to the Atmosphere concert on Friday and it was pretty friggin rad. The opening act spent a little too long on stage and people we're getting a little too comfortable next to me which almost resulted in me having a nigga moment
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So, I was looking at my old email address and found this. I must have written it for a class, I don't know which one it was or what the assignment was. I can only imagine that I was doing some pretty heavy drugs though
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I was pretty sure all day yesterday that I did not need to wake up until 9:30 today. I forgot that I had class at 9:30, then when I got to class I forgot that I forgot that it was canceled.
I'm going home this weekend, which is awesome because I have a crap-load of laundry.
I keep forgetting to call those places I applied at. Damnit.