Of Frozen Wrath

Nov 26, 2009 19:20

I've been a frost mage for a very long time. I've leveled frost, eaten face in PVP frost, and even, once apon a time when it was viable, raided frost.

It was a bitter disappointment to me when frost became unwelcome in raids. Some slowly, some quickly, all of our guild mages switched to arcane or fire. I switched to elemental shaman.

It wasn't that I couldn't or wouldn't raid with another spec. There was a period in BC where I was top DPS for my tiny guild with an arcane spec and some creative gear choices. Like most mages, I tried out frostfire for a while endgame in Wrath. The rotation was fine, but it just wasn't who I was.

You can well imagine how excited I was to see the changes upcoming in 3.3 for frost. There's a lot more detail to be found at http://www.wow.com/2009/10/24/arcane-brilliance-the-changing-face-of-frost but the two changes that drew my attention were:

Deep Freeze: This spell now deals a large amount of damage to targets permanently immune to stuns.

Glyph of Eternal Water: Your Summon Water Elemental now lasts indefinitely, but your Water Elemental can no longer cast Freeze.

When a fellow frost mage in exile told me they were giving us a permanent water pet, I laughed at him. We'd been frost mages together since classic and I've always, always, wished I could have a better relationship with my water elemental. My fellow frost mage agrees, and believes that he should be allowed to name him Mr Splashy Pants. Here is where I tend to quietly leave the conversation.

Once I had looked this up on WoW.com and realised he wasn't kidding, I started thinking quite seriously about going back to a frost PVE spec. A permanent pet would not only be a decent boost to frost raiding DPS, but would also be just plain awesome. To ensure that this doesn't cause frost mages to dominate PVP, those who take the glyph will disable the pet's ranged nova, which will then make the build unviable for arena.

The change to Deep Freeze should also be a substantial DPS boost if used whenever Fingers of Frost is up, and will serve to mix up the frost rotation a little more.

On the one hand, I kind of want to be able to raid as a frost mage again. On the other, I'm toying with the idea of using two different PVP frost specs. One will include Improved Cone of Cold and Improved Blizzard, as well as the Glyph of Eternal Water. This will make for a fun farming and large BG (Wintergrasp/Alterac Valley) spec, leaving me to take the standard arena spec for smaller BGs and of course arena.

Either way, I'm a very happy little frost mage right now. I wonder what his name will be?

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