Avatar: The Last Airbender

Jun 30, 2010 21:37

I'm not going to see Avatar: The Last Airbender just due to its casting racefail. I'd made the decision a long time ago, we're talking before Azkatraz and I'm sticking to it. I won't be buying a ticket for another movie and sneaking in and I won't be seeing it illegally. I'm going to ignore that it exists because the fail is so fucking strong. That ( Read more... )

thoughts on..., misc, eeeewwwwww, movies

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Comments 15

dizilla July 1 2010, 05:04:28 UTC
Hey, A-Team was a fun movie to watch! They could have had a better sound director but yeah good times had by all.

But word about Avatar. Not even gonna deem it with an illegal d/l lol.


wook77 July 1 2010, 05:25:58 UTC
For The A-Team, i'm just sad there's no Mister T.

I'm going to see it on Saturday :D! So I'll see if the lack of Mister T shows through. And yeah, the last failbender isn't even worth the bandwidth to illegally download .


dizilla July 1 2010, 07:51:20 UTC
Yeah, he's too busy pimping out WoW. XD

Do be sure to watch till after the credits!

(And I also enjoyed Karate Kid. Jackie Chan was awesome, and the story was sweet. But I do also like Will Smith's kid. XD)


lurkitty July 1 2010, 05:12:41 UTC
Nope, not going to see it at all. On the other hand, I loved the new Karate Kid! I love Jackie Chan.


wook77 July 1 2010, 05:28:33 UTC
I'm just sort of sick of Hollywood having no new ideas, yanno? Plus... will smith's kid :/ idk that I like the Scientology attached to it. I'll get it when it comes to redbox then I'm just paying a buck.

I had the misfortune of seeing a preview for a sort of live action smurfs movie. Idek anymore.


(The comment has been removed)

wook77 July 1 2010, 14:01:48 UTC
Swear to god, it had a cartoon/CGI papa smurf clinging to an actual taxi cab's roof sign. It was painful.


niennah July 1 2010, 08:37:31 UTC
Definitely not going to be seeing it, for the same reasons. I've never seen such a backlash before. It's great. Maybe they'll listen? Or is that overly optimistic? Shyamalan seems to engaged in making excuses to be really able to hear.

Loved that review!


wook77 July 1 2010, 11:41:08 UTC
He really is too busy spinning all around and trying to make excuses to see the genuine criticisms.

His movies just haven't been good in quite a long time and IDK if that "helps" with the current attitude (helps as in only makes it worse) but he seems to have this huge conceit that he's ZOMG AN ARTISTE and Edgy (in sparkletext, of course).

Then again, I don't like his films as I find them predictable and boring but, meh, to each their own.

I really do think this is part of the death knell of his career.

Maybe in a few years, they can "reboot" this movie franchise and cast actual *gasp* Asians that can *gasp* act and make it really good.


anathema91 July 1 2010, 14:03:38 UTC
I agree with dzilla, A-Team was actually a lot of fun. It had that same feeling of being a tip of the hat to the original actors without just mimicking them that the Trek reboot had. I really enjoyed it. (Though we didn't stay until the end of the credits, so now I'm a bit sad about that. Must get new friends that actually stick around after movies end...)

I'm so happy that the reviews for The Last Airbender suck too. Take that, you faily fuckwits! Bam! :D


karaz July 1 2010, 21:30:36 UTC
I will come to Canada to watch movies through the credits with you. The DH gets all whiny and twitchy insisting the movie is over and we should go. DDD:


maab_connor July 1 2010, 16:59:56 UTC
i wasn't going to go watch it b/c i don't watch the TV show; but then i saw it was Shyamalan... yeah, i can't stand him. so it was just never going to happen.

However, A-Team was a LOT of fun. it's not deep and it doesn't try to be, but it's escapism at its finest. i give it a thumb and a nub. :D


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