WTF Series: The one where...the twins become monsters

Jun 03, 2012 10:43

Title: The one where...the twins become monsters 
Series: WTF
Genre: Humour
Rating: Safe
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone mentioned, I do however own the plot
Summary: It's bath time. MPREG, AU

Kazuya was ready to cry. )

p:akame, g:humour, l:drabble, r:safe, s:wtf

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Comments 39

moonprincess7 June 3 2012, 10:23:12 UTC
Hehe this is just so cute!
It IS short though /bricked
Poor Kazuya and Jin!
Those mini-Kames are pure evil~~
Who would have thought that Shuuji and Ryu would actually cause more trouble than Hayato..? xDD


wonotice June 3 2012, 12:08:32 UTC
I know it's short >_<
But the next one will be much longer ^_^
Lol Hayato is just the innocent bystander XD
Thanks for reading and commenting ♥


trish_thu June 3 2012, 11:15:52 UTC
nice, they are trouble dealing with their kids,

thanks mate,



wonotice June 3 2012, 12:09:22 UTC
Thanks for reading and commenting ♥


is_kazuchan June 3 2012, 11:23:02 UTC
kid is evil but hv sure they really cute ne....
shuuji n ryu sure win..


wonotice June 3 2012, 12:10:09 UTC
Lol they really take after Kame then
Thanks for reading and commenting ♥


shinae183 June 3 2012, 12:07:41 UTC
when did they manage to become pair of cute monsters LOL
nice update ^^v


wonotice June 3 2012, 12:10:58 UTC
Lol they're exactly like Kame then
Thanks for reading and commenting ♥


kazu_chan_love June 3 2012, 13:15:32 UTC
i just read everything and fell in love with the series..xDDD
akame with their babies are so cute..:D
they maybe are little monsters but still cute!!..xDD

thanks for sharing♥♥♥


wonotice June 3 2012, 18:16:37 UTC
I'm glad you like it :D
Lol they're deceptively cute
Thanks for reading and commenting ♥


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