[Hope is inbetween his morning and afternoon classes. He's got his books in his bag, with a crisp new pad of paper with incredibly neat handwriting just visible where the cover has not fallen over the lined paper in a straight line. Hope is looking up at the sky with his eyes closed
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Comments 143
Well. Look how things turned out.
However, it's not entirely great when you possibly nearly bowel a student (namely Hope) over leaving the cafeteria, coffee in hands, ready to get back to some extra preparations.]
[Hope narrowly avoids getting the hot beverage spilled on him by ducking out of the way just in the nick of time.]
Sorry- I didn't mean-- ...[Oh by the Fal'Cie. That's my TAC instructor.] Sorry Instructor.
Hey, kid. How are classes going for you?
[Hope teased pushing a chair out from under the table for Sazh to sit on.]
Classes are okay. I'm enjoying them a lot so far.
[Sazh takes a seat in the chair, nodding his head as thanks.]
That's good to hear. I hope none of them have already started to be tough.
Nothing too tough yet. I think my Tactics class is going to be difficult... and I think Raines will make Political Science challenging for us. But I'm looking forward to it.
[Hope looks down at his soda with a soft smile on his face.]
Never thought I'd enjoy being back at school. Even if it is a weird school like this one...
Back turned away from the rest of the classroom, he organizes his notes and quietly prepares for the arrival of the second class. As he adjusts his papers and texts, Cid notes that he doesn't recall Hope leaving the room yet.
Strange, that. Cid would have thought that the boy'd bolt right after class, considering their last meeting...]
Hope sighed and put the last of his stuff away, before standing and moving towards Cid's desk. Not quite sure whether he should stick with "Cid" "Raines" or instructor Raines... He decided to stay respectful.]
Instructor Raines? [Hope sounds rather hesitant, yet still oddly determined.]
Yes, Hope? Is there something I can assist you with?
[If nothing else, this seems to be a good start... Well, better than last time at least.]
I spoke... To Snow.
[He looks up directly at Cid.]
He reminded me that... sometimes people do things in the heat of the moment. Things they regret. So... Um. I just wanted to say sorry for behaving the way I did.
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