Why do I even bother?

Aug 20, 2011 12:28

This morning's texts:

Ecamer: Maybe I shouldn't be asking this, but it's been bugging me. Are you planning on leaving when you find a job?

Me: That all depends

Ecamer: Ok. I just want to know where my focus should be. I love you and will take care of you as long as that's what you want.

Me: I love you too. I'm just having a really difficult ( Read more... )

txts, inlaws, kindergoth

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Comments 4

sra33 August 20 2011, 21:45:29 UTC
Right well. I'm still completely missing the bit where HE SUPPORTS YOU.

And since this is HIS family HE'S the one that should be going over there and "talking to them". Not YOU.

So fuck! Fuckity fucking fuck fuckity!


raven_moon August 20 2011, 23:29:33 UTC
This, totally!

You tell him you don't expect him to understand, and he basically agrees, and washes his hands of the whole thing! That's NOT supporting you, backing you up, or helping you! That's "let my family run all over you with equanimity, or like, don't, because I'm not getting off my duff to mediate shit."

I mean, his response might be appropriate if we were talking about a childhood friend of yours, or your sister or something. But this is HIS family, HE needs to stand with you. All he's doing by wimping out is forcing you to be the aggressor, which is only going to make things worse....

I'm so sorry...


rabies August 21 2011, 01:21:04 UTC
Boy needs to grow a pair and stand up to his parents.


colloween August 25 2011, 23:33:46 UTC
oh GOD what a hopeless exchange. My poor girl... I wish we lived next door to each other to tag team. xxx


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