Day 2 . some things you can't disguise . BtVS x Walking Dead

Dec 02, 2012 00:30

Title: some things you can't disguise
Author: jedibuttercup
Disclaimer: The words are mine; the worlds are not
Rating: PG-15 (for zombie violence)
Prompt/Prompter: for musesinspire - "Buffy Summers/Daryl Dixon. Some kind of romance/lovin's/something; naturally some sort of zombie thing has to happen, too! SONG: Give Your Heart A Break by Demi Lovato."
Spoilers: Buffy ( Read more... )

author: jedibuttercup, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, fanfiction, fandom: walking dead, rating: r, pairing: het, crossover

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Comments 16

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avamclean December 2 2012, 22:40:07 UTC
Um... They aren't a human engineered in the Walking Dead as far as anyone knows. There's never been an explanation given for their presence other than a virus in both the comics and the series.


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avamclean December 4 2012, 01:00:31 UTC
Considering how monstrous they already make the humans in the comics, the series is getting there, I kinda hope it doesn't turn out that way. I don't think humanity can take any more hits. ;)


hiddencait December 2 2012, 19:59:37 UTC
Oh man this came out great! I haven't seen much of Walking Dead but lord Buffy slipped right into that little I have seen. Great job my dear!


jedibuttercup December 3 2012, 09:05:30 UTC
=) Glad you enjoyed it! Buffy's always been kind of my little black fandom dress when it comes to crossover pairings, but she did fit in especially easily with this one.


hjcallipygian December 3 2012, 14:45:25 UTC
Ha! "Little black fandom dress" is an awesome turn of phrase. Love it.


avamclean December 2 2012, 22:46:18 UTC
There's a lot of love bubbling in me for this story. So much so that it makes me giddy. You nailed Dayrl's perception again and you even remembered that he calls them geeks rather than walkers. Though a small part of me is curious as to what Dawn and Buffy call them since in the Walking Dead world they've never heard of zombies before. There's no lore or, apparently, Romero there. ;)

Fantastic job and yay for the Daryl love! Oh and I liked the little nod to Maggie and Glen's rabbit-like romance. ;)


jedibuttercup December 3 2012, 09:10:13 UTC
Daryl is definitely as much an index character for me on the show right now as Rick. (So many feels about tonight's episode, omg.) I might have rewatched several bits of early Season 3 before writing this ....

I kind of imagine Buffy would still know the word 'zombie' because of the voudon thing via Watcher lore? And it just never made it into popular media there like it did in ours? Because she did run into the ones Oz ate in Season 3, in that episode everyone uses as a foundation for SuperXander fics, and I'd rather find a way to mesh backstories than erase bits of them to fit. =)

Glad you enjoyed the story! (It makes it a lot more fun to write in a fandom when there are fans of my fave characters on my f'list.)


avamclean December 4 2012, 01:04:04 UTC
You made me all sorts of curious and I had to rewatch 'Dead Man's Party' and none of the characters actually use the term zombie.

Huh. I'm going to hafta watch 'Some Assembly Required" next. :)


jedibuttercup December 4 2012, 01:28:23 UTC
Heh. You got me curious, so I went a-googling, and found a couple of refs:

(Some Assembly Required)

Willow Rosenberg: You mean making a zombie?
Giles: Uh, zombies, more likely. For most traditional purposes, a voodoo priest would require more than one.
Buffy: So, we should see if the other girls from the accident are AWOL, too. Maybe we can figure out what this creep has in mind, if we know whether or not he's dealing in volume.
Xander: So, we dig up some graves tonight?
Willow Rosenberg: Oh, boy! A field trip!


Xander: Scenario: We raise Buffy from the grave. She tries to eat our brains. Do we A: congratulate ourselves on a job well done...?
Willow: Xander, this isn't zombies.
Anya: Zombies don't eat brains anyway, unless instructed to by their zombie masters. Lot of people get that wrong.

.... So I think maybe yeah, it would work to just say it's a voudon thing in that universe but not otherwise spread to popular culture? *tilts head curiously*


tpeej December 2 2012, 22:49:47 UTC
Wonderful. I can see it easily. Daryl would have meet his match with Buffy.


jedibuttercup December 3 2012, 09:11:55 UTC
She would certainly liven up his life! And she'd have a human hunting partner that could actually watch her back.

Glad you enjoyed the fic!


teaandhoney December 4 2012, 01:58:59 UTC
*flailing happiness*

I have this odd joy that I don't understand whatsoever for the idea of smashing these to fandoms together. (I'm 'smolder' over on TTH and wrote my own sorta post-apocolyptic Slayer society verse in a crossover that utterly devoured my brain for a while.) And I love this fic of yours to pieces. Lots and lots of zombie bits. <3


jedibuttercup December 5 2012, 17:37:48 UTC
Then I'm pretty sure you're the one I borrowed the idea of the hip sheath for the axe from; I wrote in a back sheath first, but it seemed awkward in the fight, and then I remembered reading a crossover I enjoyed at TtH recently .... =)

Much love for these fandoms! I'm glad you enjoyed the fic.


teaandhoney December 5 2012, 19:12:26 UTC
He he he. In mine she had two hip sheathes - scythe on her right hip and machete on her left.

Also, just because it won't leave me. Alternate title for this fic in my head is now: "In tat or tatters you're entrancing"

It's a lyric from 'Nothing Matters When Were Dancing' by the Magnetic Feilds. *smiles*


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