yeah, I will be spending lots of time at this journal this summer

Jul 28, 2009 10:17

Thank you all for your comments re: antlerfail2009.

I understand it's IBARW. Let's play cliff-shag-marry, v. CoC/PoC.
[List three people of color, real or fictional and I'll choose one to toss over the cliff, one to shag, and one to marry. Then I'll give you three people, and it's lots of fun ( Read more... )

church: abiding peace, ibarw, abusing teh flist, procrastination, cliff shag marry

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Comments 14

hermionesviolin July 28 2009, 15:26:23 UTC
just realized I've never presided over Communion

My immediate thought was how bizarre it is that *I've* done that given all the church stuff you've done that I haven't, but I suppose co-celebrating isn't exactly the same as "presiding over."


wisdomeagle July 28 2009, 15:31:58 UTC
Yeah, I did once co-celebrate with my mom. It was kind of awkward because I was preaching/leading the service but didn't/don't have Magic Jesus Hands (tm you), but it worked out that Mom was lay reader and so just came down to the Table with me and I did the non-magic parts and she did the magic parts and it was less awkward than it would have been otherwise.


scrollgirl July 28 2009, 15:35:35 UTC guys say stuff like this, and I realise how faaaaar to the "right" I am compared to you guys.

Dude, our deacons still balk at letting our unordained pastor give the *benediction*. Forget about doing Communion.


hermionesviolin July 28 2009, 15:40:35 UTC

Yeah, that is pretty much my face right now.


bluerosefairy July 28 2009, 16:31:22 UTC
Clearly I am evil:

Zoe Washburn, Derek Morgan, Wendy Watson (TV!Dubbie, not comics!Dubbie, obviously).


wisdomeagle July 28 2009, 16:46:42 UTC
So, I haven't actually seen any of Criminal Minds or Middleman, so I will marry Zoe and base the rest of my decision off the highly scientific method of googling images and seeing who's hotter.

And my conclusion is, Natalie Morales is very pretty and I dig the tie, butI am a superfailed lesbian, and mmmm okay GUH. Shag Derek Morgan, cliff Wendy Watson.

Collins, Angel, Benny (movieverse or your favorite cast).


bluerosefairy July 29 2009, 03:03:00 UTC
Omigod, get right on that! Middleman is hilarious and awesome and I think you'd love Wendy-and-Lacey, and CM is just so constantly good.

Dude, I cannot fault you - Shemar Moore is quite possibly the reincarnation of some Greek god.

OBC/Movieverse cast. Cliff Benny, because he's a dick (he's hot, but he's a dick). Shag Collins, because he's hot and awesome and would read me Heidigger in bed and I think he's bisexual because Jesse has far too much chemistry with Idina. Marry Angel, because she's made of awesome and could teach me to play the drums and dress as cool as she does. With a Collins-clause in the marriage, of course, because you can't split those two up.


lunabee34 July 28 2009, 19:24:07 UTC
Charles Gunn, Cho Chang, and Omar from the Wire.


charis_kalos July 28 2009, 22:05:45 UTC
I've never presided over Communion. That's kind of exciting.

It's wonderful! Presiding at the table is the most amazing feeling. I almost burst into tears the first time I did it - I don't usually feel like crying anymore but I do feel filled with light.



alixtii July 29 2009, 13:44:33 UTC
Kennedy, Caridad, Chao-Ahn

I've been trying for months to figure out what happens under my Eucharistic theology during Communion services outside the BCP rubric. (It'd be kind of problematic if there's all this extra Body of Christ floating around, for one.) Still not sure.


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