Two weeks...

Dec 21, 2005 05:37

Been back in Singapore for almost two weeks now. Could have said I enjoyed myself with friends I realise mean more to me than I thought... and vice versa. All part of growing up when you start to learn to differentiate between 'passing phase' friends and long term true friends ( Read more... )

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Comments 14

juzzywuzzy December 21 2005, 00:04:42 UTC
hummmm ... WELCOME BACK!!!!! :)

errrr .... time for u to spend a little time at Sentosa? u looked a little pale .. hahahahaz :)


winsonn December 21 2005, 02:46:46 UTC
There's a thing called the 'flash' in the digital camera.

And well... I'm supposed to be pale, I'm not Malay :)


sacred_faith December 21 2005, 01:21:46 UTC
oooo the slut is back!!!! :P Singapore is insidious isn't it


winsonn December 21 2005, 02:44:33 UTC
Haha hardly a slut if compared to you babe... ;)


sacred_faith December 21 2005, 15:08:16 UTC
i'm such a virgin :P


winsonn December 21 2005, 16:30:20 UTC
Ho Ho Ho!
Have fun with Warren tomorrow :)


Oooh.. faithpig December 21 2005, 01:35:30 UTC
...another cutie... especially when your eyes preened into a tiny line everytime you smile widely...;p


(The comment has been removed)

winsonn December 21 2005, 03:36:15 UTC
I don't! *bitch slap*

Good to see you too, I don't know how one can still look good in cap and specs, but u certainly did! ;)


littleprince December 21 2005, 04:02:37 UTC
hehehehe... ok la you don't. you look much better. =P

haha. you're too nice la!


littleprince December 21 2005, 03:34:03 UTC
haha.. you ... DO look liike....

nice ta catch you again. =D


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