I'd like to welcome one of my best friends to the wonderful world of LiveJournal. She's one of the sweetest, funniest, and oddest girls I know and she's absolutely fabulous. I'm glad you finally jumped on the bandwagon, genkeeper!
Today...has been a nightmare. For the summer I'm staying in my friend Michelle's house, which is really old and slightly creepy. Anyway. I was sleeping poorly last night/this morning when I heard my phone beeping at me insistently. I took it off of the charger and tried to go back to sleep when I noticed my night light was flaring and making
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Happy days! I was watching the first season of Queer as Folk with my sister (as me how weird that was, she had deadphones on) and wow! They played! that! song! Episode 1 when Brian takes Justin home. I have been trying to figure out what song that was for three years- ever since I went to one of my first basketball games in the Kennel and the
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Why in the name of God can't I do anything right? Why am I so doomed to failure? Why is it that I'm never given opportunities based on my own merit- it's always because a friend of mine sneaks me into what I want. I'm not worthless! I'm damn good at some things. Why do I even try? Fuck this shit
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WAIT. No. WAIT. I'm TAing a SUMMER course from 8 am to noon? What the shit is this? I totally didn't sign up for this. I'm taking the world down with me. ...Wow, there's something so, so wrong about it.
But! In less than a week I'll be done with finals. Huzzah!
It's Monday! Of dead week! I only have two physics lectures left! Huuzzzaaaahhhh! There are only....nine? Nine days 'til I'm done for the year? Then I'll come back a week later and start my research and TAing. Pretty dang good for a Monday, I'd say.
I have a job for the summer! I am going to be working part time for the biology department here at Gonzaga studying bog lemmings in northern Idaho. It's not the full time job that I wanted, but I! Have! A! Job! A research job! And on the project I wanted! Exclamation point!! So now I need to find cheap housing over the summer- uberespresso , are you
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