[Sanctuary] Stakeout

Dec 26, 2011 19:47

Sanctuary. Kate/Will. Mention of Abby/Will. PG-13. Banter. 534 words. For hc_bingo (toothache). It's not falling out. It hurts. There's kind of a difference or are you too smart to know that?

"Ow," Kate moans again, before kicking irritably at the glove compartment.

"I told you to stop playing with it." Will hardly lifts his eyes from the dash as she tacks on a string of curses.

"It didn't try to eat my foot, idiot." She grumbles. "It's this stupid tooth."

"Too much candy." Will comments, still watching the apartment across the street for signs of life. "Soda, pastries and sugared cereal." He tacks on for good measure.

"Journal articles, hoodies, hair gel." Kate continues as he finishes.

"At least my teeth aren't falling out."

"At least my teeth aren't falling out." Kate mocks disgusted. "It's not falling out. It hurts. There's kind of a difference or are you too smart to know that?"

Will raises an eyebrow. "Clearly someone needs to go see a dentist."

"Oh and being stuck in a car for eighteen hours with you has nothing to do with it."

"I told you you could leave for a bit."

"So you could blow the whole thing and I could go down for your screw up. No thanks."

"I don't see you watching."

"It's six am. Anyone up this early after a night like the one they had last night is insane. Nothing's going to happen for at least another couple of hours."

"What if he forgot to take out the trash?"

"Dude's not going to care. Not after they went at it for five hours give or take."

"Just because the light was on in the bedroom does not mean they were having sex. They could have had an argument."

"And neither one of them left after all that? Yeah right Z-man. Welcome to reality. The only middle aged men I know who will stay up till 3 am to 'talk' with a woman are only going to bother if there's something in it for them."

"Not everyone's as emotional stunted as you seem to think they are."

"Most people have libidos. You of all people should understand that."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" He’s not angry; he’s confused, amused.

Kate rolls her eyes. "Don't play dumb. Don't pretend like everyone doesn't know about you and little miss FBI."

“Oh nice.” Will grumbles, shooting her a look. “That was really charming, Kate.”

“Trouble in paradise?” Kate grins. “It’s about time.”

“Since you asked.” Will runs a hand through his hair and turns to look at her. Her gaze is fixed on the house now. It’s the easiest way to avoid accidental eye contact, keep the banter from turning too personal. She might be irritable but she’s not stupid enough to offend him. “We’re doing great. Magnus gave me next weekend off so we can go down to that art festival in Seattle.”

“So she has you whipped. That’s so much better.” Kate laughs and then sobers up, slipping her feet from the dash and sitting up. “Looks like the lucky lady’s sneaking out. Should we go have a chat?”

“So you can tell her how big of an idiot she is?” Will turns his attention back to the house. “No, we’re staying here and you’re shutting up before I have to start slipping sleeping pills into your Redbull. Again.”

+sanctuary, &kate/will, #writing: fanfic, *challenge: writing: hc bingo

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