I never could get the hang of Thursdays

Mar 16, 2006 21:44

The Good NewsThe Clarkson Factor Award given at the monthly community meeting. The person they were describing sounded too good to be true so I mentally tuned out briefly … until my name was called! What does this mean for me? A free lunch, a parking spot next to the building for a month, a day off with pay, and of course the recognition. My three ( Read more... )


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Comments 2

lincoln_writer March 17 2006, 04:36:54 UTC
Congrats on the award -- that is very cool! Hope you didn't pull a Hilary Swank and forget to thank your husband, too ...

I don't know who Guster is, but just plan to stay at my place Monday night and drive back in the a.m.!!!

And, I have a late-breaking invite for you that I will send to your email ...


ecotopian March 17 2006, 12:01:52 UTC
I'm hoping for just some rain maybe. Because with my luck it will snow but not enough for them to close school.

Congratulations on the award! I want to win something like that. They have that one teacher of the week contest on FM104.5 and I get pissy everytime someone else wins. *L*


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