Nov 21, 2003 00:40
So whats this I hear about Nazis taking over Boston? From Pennsylvania? How do they even know where anything is? How did they know where the house was to go to?? Its all over the fuckin papers.
Fucking insanity. I cant even imagine what chaos is going to be happening on the streets over there.
Nov 13, 2003 08:40
Dear Diary,
Men are so stupid it makes me want to kill myself.
Love, Me.
Do guys honestly think we fall for the "It's not you, it's me?" line?
Why do I even bother.
Nov 11, 2003 01:04
This is my journal.
I don't know anyone.
I tried to add people but this stupid thing keeps popping up with an error and will only let me add one person.
He hasn't added me back yet.
Add me so I don't get fucking bored.