I'm considering a photography hobby, among other things, when I retire, so I'm messing around with the camera more. Check it out! Brandon, Terri and I went goofing around in the woods today, to get shots of fall colors. Once inside the site, scroll to the far right and click on Slideshow. Enjoy!
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Oct 07, 2008 06:32
Hey Guys! It's been a long time. Lots going on, as usual. Tony's sister is coming up this weekend. Figures. The one time I don't want anyone to see the house! The inside is actually looking great...very jungle-like...since we brought in all the plants for the winter. But the outside? Well....I kinda lost my mind and redecorated the back of
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Jul 09, 2008 13:30
I'm ready for whiskey! I sent 11 documents to the printer, prereading for a meeting tomorrow, for my manager. Nothing happened. I went to the printer and pressed 'job status'...nothing there. I look in the print que, and there are 11 other docs ahead of mine, but nothings printing. I call IT...in Costa Rica. Had to give the dipshit my ID
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Jun 15, 2008 18:32
Once in Photobucket, click on VIEW SLIDESHOW, top right corner. Enjoy!
Natasha's Graduation:
http://s18.photobucket.com/albums/b106/WeBeLaffin/Natashas%20Graduation%205-31-2008/ Cathy's Wedding:
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May 22, 2008 09:53
Well, my houseguests are finally GONE! We still see Brandon now and then, but Becky moved out. We told her she could have her visitation with the kids at our house one weekend a month. Other than that, we have the house back
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May 11, 2008 14:06
Dumped the camera contents today, lots of fun shots in here, INCLUDING a picture of me and Terri with Roger Bingham...a.k.a. Kentucky Joe, a contestant from Survivor Australian Outback
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Apr 04, 2008 10:29
It's the late-night jumbalaya! I had a bowl at 9:00 last night, and then had this dream
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