hey, don't get too sneezy.

Apr 09, 2007 23:54

do not let timezones get the better of you! it's Tuesday by Manila time, but if you have immense self control, you can wait to read this when it's Tuesday in your timezone. ;D

it's tuesday; there's something they say, you know, about being careful about it.

And I want to know this: how they came to believe
that something so beautiful could ever have turned out right,

but though they open their mouths to answer me,
all I can hear is light.

-- john glenday, 'undark'.
photography by samuel & gretchen.

For now it's enough that this day is over.
It brought its load of freshness, dropped it off
and left. As for us, we're still here, aren't we? ♥

prompts, april 10 07

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