Jack vs. Derek

Jun 30, 2009 23:19

The Breakdowns of Jack and Derek

Derek hiting cans then Meredith shows up.Jack sitting down Kate enters
Jack: Hey.
Kate looks back at then looks back at Jack
Kate: Hey. You're home early.

Meredith: You cleaned all your colthes out of the closet at the house.
Derek: Go home. Just go home
Meredith: Well how long are planing on hideing out here? 'Cause that's what you're doing, you're hideing.
Derek staresKate starts to walk over to Jack
Kate: Where's Veronica?
Jack: I sent here home. The baby alseep.
Kate sighs and sits down
Kate: Good
Kate smiles then looks at the bottles on the table and it fades and truns into confusion.
Jack: Why was she here?
Jack then takes a sip of his drink and Kate leans in.
Kate: Sorry?
Jack looks at her
Jack: The nanny. She only works till four, I came home at six.

Meredith: You made a misstake.
Derek bends down and picks up a can.
Meredith: She's dead and you can't hide from that.
Derek: I'm not hideing. I'm doneKate takes off her bracelate and places it on the table
Kate: I had to run some arons so I asked her to stay a cople of extra hours.
Jack nods his head.
Kate: What's going on Jack?
Jack doesn't anwser
Kate: Why are you home so early?

Derek: I'm done operating.
Derek throws the can up and swings missing the can.
Meredith: Oh, okay, so you're just quiting?
Derek: You should understand better then anybody else, you wrote the book on quiting.Jack: I went to see Hurley
Kate looks worried.
Kate: Today?
Jack: Last Friday.
Kate: Why didn't you tell me, I would have gone with you.
Jack lets out a laugh

Derek: Running, hideing. Your in a lot of books Meredith.
Derek picks up a can and drinks from it
Meredith: That may be true but I'm here now.
Derek moves the can from his mouth
Derek: Ha mmm. Your here now?
Meredith nods her head
Derek: Ha ha.
Derek starts walking to Meredith
Derek: You wanted me out the moment I moved in.
Derek drinks from the can again
Meredith: That's not ture.Jack: Because he's crazy Kate and I didn't want to upset you.
Jack lets out a breath
Jack: Where were you today?
Kate gets up and knells next to Jack
Kate: I'm going to ask you to trust me.
Jack stares at Kate
Kate: Trust me just leave it be.

Derek moves the can away from his mouth and continues to walk closer to Meredith
Derek: Because you're incapable of anything that resembles to commitment. You lied to me, you said you were heathly. You-you were healed. There's no fixing you.Jack looks away and sighs then looks back at here
Jack: Where where you?
They stare at each other

Derek: You're a lemon.
Derek starts to walk backwards
Meredith: Derek Shepherd you are drunk!
Derek hits a can
Meredith: And you're angry and I been there and I get it, but it does not give you the right-
Derek: Just go home Meredith.
Meredith: Don't just stand here and tell me-
Derek: This is what you want, I'm giving you an out.
Meredith:I'm not going anywhere.
Derek: I said leave! Meredith leave!Kate:Jack don't.
Kate shakes her head. Jack then moves his head closer to her.
Jack: No, I heard you on the phone last night. I want to know who you were talking too.
Kate: Just let it go.
Kate starts to fall down Kate's face and she gets up
Jack: No, I want to know.
Jack gets up and Kate starts to walk away
Kate: No Jack.
Jack starts to follow
Jack: No, no I want to know where you were, who you were with.
Kate: It doesn't matter Jack. Jack please.
Jack: Tell me. TELL ME!
Kate stops and truns around and looks at Jack
Kate: I was doing something for him.
Jack: For who?
Kate: For Sawyer.

They stare at each other quietly
Meredith: I know there's a ringJack quietly stares at Kate. Kate then shrughes
Kate: I made a promise.
Jack starts to walk away from her and Kate trys to say something but can't. Jack lets our a breath then walks back to her
Jack: What?

They stare at each other quietly still and Derek lifts his head to look at her
Derek: What?
Meredith: The Chef told me, I know there's a ring.
Kate: It doesn't matter it has nothing to do with us.
Jack: Then why wont you tell me?
Kate: Because he wouldn't want me to.
Jack: But he's not here is he?
Jack shakes his head
Jack: No, he made his choice he chose to stay.

Derek looks down
Derek: You want the ring?
Meredith watches him
Jack: I'm the one who came back
Kate looked away from him then back when he starts to speak again
Jack: I'm the one who's here. I'm the one who saved you.
Jack walks way from her.
Kate: Jack.

Derek takes out the ring and shows it to her and Merediths looks at it then at him. He takes to ring out of the box and shows her it.
Derek: Here's your ring.
Derek throws the ring up and hits it. Meredith looks down and Derek drops the bat
Meredith: Every surgeon has a shadow
Kate wipes her tears away
Kate: You can't- you can't do this, if you have problems you have to figure them out. Alright? Because I can't have you like this around my son.
Jack truns around and looks at her and walks over to her
Both of them trun to see Aaron standing in the door way and Kate goes over to him
Kate: Hey sweet pea.
Kate then picks Aaron up

Derek walks over to the door and opens it
Meredith: Is that the best you got!? Because I'm not bailing we're in this together.
Derek goes in and closes the door
Derek: Go home Meredith!
Meredith shakes her head and leaves
Meredith: And the only way to get away from the shadow is to trun off the lights and stop running from the drakness.
Kate starts to cry harder holding Aaron and Jack walks away.

!picspam, jate, grey's anatomy, lost, mer/der

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