Tutorial requested by
amuleta. Uses PS7, selective coloring and curves. Not transferable to PSP.
Go from this:
to this:
1. Go to Image - adjustments - Variations and click Lighten twice.
2. Create a new Selective color layer
Cyan: -100
Magenta: 0
Yellow: +50
Black: 0
Cyan: -50
Magenta: 0
Yellow: +50
Black: 0
Cyan: 20
Magenta: 0
Yellow: 0
Black: 0
3. Create a new curves layer
Point 1:
Input: 106
Output : 1
Point 2
Input: 166
Output: 203
4. Create a new Brightness/contrast layer
Brightness: +6
Contrast: +17
5. Create a new color balance
Red: +15
Flatten and you're done!
Tutorial requested by
haleynathan23. Uses PS7 and selective coloring. Not transferable to PSP.
Go from this:
to this:
1. Duplicate your base and set it to screen 100%
2. Go to Image - Adjustments - Variations and click More Yellow once
3. Create a new selective color layer
Cyan: -100
Magenta: 0
Yellow: +100
Black: 0
Cyan: -100
Magenta: 0
Yellow: +100
Black: 0
Cyan: 30
Magenta: 0
Black: 0
4. Create a new Brightness/Contrast layer
Brightness: +18
Contrast: 24
Flatten and you're done!