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voleste September 11 2012, 09:25:09 UTC
Thank you! I thought I was quite lucky by breeding the zombie genes out. :)


alessandrae September 10 2012, 18:02:02 UTC
I love your sims! Elliot and Imogen are such lovely names.


voleste September 11 2012, 09:25:51 UTC
Thank you! I almost wished Imogen's brother was the better looking one, since I had named him Einstein. xD


alessandrae September 11 2012, 12:23:01 UTC
That's the bad thing about spares! They always have awesome names.
Also, is Elliot a clone of Tara? I'm just wondering cause I don't have pets so I can't compare, haha.


voleste September 12 2012, 00:02:28 UTC
He's almost a clone, yes. I actually went into Bodyshop to see what differed from male!Tara and the only thing was that Elliot's eyebrows are slightly thinner and more curved. xD

... )


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