This is a little bit complicated to explain in english!...¬¬ And I'm not sure if what she did will happen. I'll have more detail monday. But in resume, I work every weekend with my boyfriend and all my weekend off are in the same time of him too. And this girl, want to change that only because she don't want to work at Christmas....!!!! WTF! She doesn't care about us! and if the thing she want to do work.... my boyfriend and I won't have a weekend off together until one years!!!!!!!! I really hope it will not work... I'm sure of it... but I stress about it.... and If I don't have weekend with him anymore... I'm sure I'll gonna be sick or depress.....! I really cross my finger and hope it will be alright or I'll HATE this woman......!
I hope you'll understand a little bit what I explain...! ^^' It was good to talk about it! Thank you sweetie!!! xxxxxxxxxx *hugs*
Oh okay, I understand what you mean and I can totally understand why you're so pissed at this woman! I really cross my fingers for you and your boyfriends that it will work out fine for you too *big hugs*
Thank you sweetie! *hugs* I hate when I want to know something and you need to wait!!!! Why it's just saturday???... *sigh* And I don't want to think about it, because I became so frustrate and sad... and I feel bad. I prefer to stay optimist and I hope I won't be desappointed! Thank you again for your comment miss! xxxxxxxxx
Merci cocotte!! *hugs* J'ai vraimetn hate a lundi pour voir ce qui va se passer réellement! En gros la, ya une fille qui travaille de nuit sur le 7 contraire de Martin qui veux changer de 7 pour puovoir avoir seulement son noel en congé! Et si c'est accepté, moi et Martin on va se ramasser sur des fds différente, donc on se verra pas pendant environs 1 ans.......! ¬¬ Je te jure que si jamais ca l'arrive... moi je fais un meurtre la! Je vais capoté et la fille va manger de la marde!!! PIs je vire en dépression c'est sur!.... Mais je croise les doigts et je reste positif cr je me dis que ca peut pas marcher de meme....! Mais ya toujours un ti doute qui reste! J'ai vraiment hate de voir a lundi pour règlé tout ca! *sigh* Merci pour le punching bag et l'oreille!! hihi! ^^' Prend soin de toi et bonne fin de semaine! xxxxxxxxxxx
Comments 15
Your icon make me smile!! hehe! ^^
Have a beautiful weekend! xxx
I can't wait to monday to have more details about what she did....¬¬
Have a nice weekend! ^^ xxx
And I'm not sure if what she did will happen. I'll have more detail monday. But in resume, I work every weekend with my boyfriend and all my weekend off are in the same time of him too. And this girl, want to change that only because she don't want to work at Christmas....!!!! WTF! She doesn't care about us! and if the thing she want to do work.... my boyfriend and I won't have a weekend off together until one years!!!!!!!!
I really hope it will not work... I'm sure of it... but I stress about it.... and If I don't have weekend with him anymore... I'm sure I'll gonna be sick or depress.....! I really cross my finger and hope it will be alright or I'll HATE this woman......!
I hope you'll understand a little bit what I explain...! ^^' It was good to talk about it! Thank you sweetie!!! xxxxxxxxxx *hugs*
I really cross my fingers for you and your boyfriends that it will work out fine for you too *big hugs*
I hate when I want to know something and you need to wait!!!! Why it's just saturday???... *sigh*
And I don't want to think about it, because I became so frustrate and sad... and I feel bad. I prefer to stay optimist and I hope I won't be desappointed! Thank you again for your comment miss! xxxxxxxxx
J'ai vraimetn hate a lundi pour voir ce qui va se passer réellement! En gros la, ya une fille qui travaille de nuit sur le 7 contraire de Martin qui veux changer de 7 pour puovoir avoir seulement son noel en congé! Et si c'est accepté, moi et Martin on va se ramasser sur des fds différente, donc on se verra pas pendant environs 1 ans.......! ¬¬ Je te jure que si jamais ca l'arrive... moi je fais un meurtre la! Je vais capoté et la fille va manger de la marde!!! PIs je vire en dépression c'est sur!....
Mais je croise les doigts et je reste positif cr je me dis que ca peut pas marcher de meme....! Mais ya toujours un ti doute qui reste! J'ai vraiment hate de voir a lundi pour règlé tout ca! *sigh*
Merci pour le punching bag et l'oreille!! hihi! ^^'
Prend soin de toi et bonne fin de semaine! xxxxxxxxxxx
*hugs* i hope things get better!
And Yes, I think it will be okay finally! I'm not totally sure, but we are in a good way! ^^'
Have a nice week! xxxx
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