Roid Rage (Ensemble) PG

Jun 26, 2009 16:54

Title: Roid Rage
Author: josiefier
Pairing/Character: Lamb, Veronica, Logan, Troy, Luke
Word Count: 298
Rating: PG
Summary: Written for vm_redux. From the prompt: Author’s Choice - What if Veronica had a better idea than just flushing the steroids when she found them?
Spoilers: 1x05
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Veronica Mars is not owned by me, but by Rob Thomas. I’m simply borrowing these characters for non-profit entertainment.


Hell hath no fury like a Veronica Mars scorned. All of Neptune should have known that by now. But then some just didn’t know how to listen.

As for the local sheriff, he could only smirk at the three punks who were leaning that fact as they sat in a holding cell.

It wasn’t his birthday, but he figured it was just as good. Granted he didn’t listen to her about most things, yet another drug charge for the Echolls brat and two of his buddies, one of which had also gained a small rap sheet for possession and trafficking. Yeah, this was a good day.

And to think he had Veronica to thank for it. Not out loud, of course. He could only imagine what they had done to her this time to make her turn them in as opposed to just dumping the stash or trying to protect them. Hell, she didn’t even come to him with things like this typically, knowing how likely he was to brush her off time and again. But then she had proof, she had the drugs and like he said, the others had priors.

Maybe the guys would be out in a few hours, maybe their mommies and daddies would let them sit and stew in lockup for the night. Either way Don had this moment and no matter how much he mused over the thought, he still couldn’t believe he had Veronica to thank for it. Maybe one day he would get her to tell him what inspired this change of hers, the one that kept her from protecting her classmates like she typically would have. Maybe.

In the meantime he had paperwork to finish. He could get around to getting rid of his self-satisfied grin later.

The End

lamb, luke, troy, pg, veronica, logan

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