Title: Hope (1/1)
Author: veiled_shadow
Fandom: Prison Break
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst, fluff, romance
Pairing: Michael/Sara, other
Spoilers: Season Four [but slightly AU]
Disclaimer: All characters and situations from Prison Break are properties of Paul Scheuring, Adelstein-Parouse Productions, Hofflund/Polone and Original Television in association
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Comments 26
The words ring out in the cold, empty room and her heart pangs as if it’s been snagged on barbed wire. And suddenly she realises why he’s been so distant these past few days. He thinks she wants to leave. He thinks she doesn’t love him anymore. He thinks he’s shown her he’s just like the company, threatening to torture, to kill, to drown.
She looks at him, shocked, and his blue eyes are pleading, begging as they penetrate hers in a way that almost makes her want to sob.
He thinks he’s lost her.
Oh, Michael.
Oh My...this is just THIS beautiful.
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