Candies That Need To Be Veganized?

Sep 04, 2011 06:39

I don't make candy much but I do want to make the most out of my candy thermometer AND Halloween is coming up. I'm going to make vegan M&M's ( with shell and shined) and a few other things soon enough. Does anyone have any other ideas on things that don't have a vegan version or could be upgraded? Thank you for your time. ^^

desserts-caramel, desserts-chocolates, desserts-candy(non-chocolate), desserts-candy-chocolate&peanut butter, desserts-candy-chocolate

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ext_715531 September 4 2011, 18:15:10 UTC
Hmm, I think I'll try a variation with those. Maybe the white chocolate ones if I can find some nearby. ^^ Thank you for your suggestion!


noisehello September 4 2011, 18:42:33 UTC
the peanut butter cup recipe from How It All Vegan is way bomb... one of the few kickass recipes in that book.


br0ken_dolly September 4 2011, 17:46:54 UTC


... Do you have an m&m recipe? I miss candies like that from time to time.


ext_715531 September 4 2011, 18:12:47 UTC
Mm, I have the components of the M&M recipe - but I have to really play with some temperatures when I make them. And thank you for the suggestion. ^^ Those are my favorite candies so I'm going to work extra hard on the caramels.


florafloraflora September 4 2011, 18:27:54 UTC
Caramels are one of the things I miss the most. I've found some recipes with a lot of margarine and corn syrup in them, but those two ingredients sound gross to me. I've been meaning to try and come up with something starring coconut milk, coconut oil, and plain unrefined sugar.


catnip13 September 4 2011, 18:46:43 UTC
You need something high in fructose, like corn syrup, to prevent sugar crystals from forming in the caramels. Plain sugar makes grainy caramels.


noisehello September 4 2011, 18:41:53 UTC
Reese's pieces!


fadsy September 5 2011, 01:33:04 UTC
yessssss! one of the few candies I really miss.


ext_715531 September 5 2011, 15:43:17 UTC
Ooh! That's a good one too! I can make those along with the M&M's. Thank you! ^^


finchatticus September 5 2011, 03:03:59 UTC
KITKATS. also, reese's peanut butter cups.


ext_715531 September 5 2011, 15:45:08 UTC
Ooh - I'm really going to play with those! Thank you. ^^


restingstate September 5 2011, 05:51:21 UTC
BUTTERFINGERS (if those have a vegan alternative, let me know, haha).


ext_715531 September 5 2011, 15:46:11 UTC
Ooh - they do have a vegan alternative, but if I remember they might be stuffed with partially hydrogenated oils. I think they're called..Chik-O-Sticks? You can dip those in some chocolate and freeze them for a bit.


noisehello September 5 2011, 16:55:55 UTC
Actually Chick-O-Sticks are a rare candy in that they have no trans-fat (and thus no partially hydrogenated oils). They are a delight! A friend of mine poured melted chocolate over them and then let them dry on wax-paper, it was deliciously simple.


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