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Comments 23

blt4success66 August 26 2005, 15:08:00 UTC
Glad you're back safely...can't wait to hear more from you. I've missed you.


vaneramos August 26 2005, 15:17:57 UTC
Thanks, Paul. Soon summer will be over, and then I'll have a chance to catch up. Hope you're doing okay.


blt4success66 August 26 2005, 15:41:21 UTC
I'm still breathing, that's good, isn't it?


vaneramos August 26 2005, 20:28:16 UTC
It's a good place to start.


leafshimmer August 26 2005, 16:14:50 UTC
It all sounds wonderful.

Nova Scotia, Cap Breton, Quebec City and Northern Quebec are all on my list of places I would love to visit (though I probably won't get to until/unless there are some serious changes in the current structure of my life).


vaneramos August 26 2005, 20:45:35 UTC
I was disappointed with the famous Peggy's Cove, NS: total tourist trap. But just outside the village stands a low hill covered with irregular boulders like a circle of old wise people. I thought at first someone must have placed them there, but judging by the surrounding landscape, it was probably the work of glaciers or something. There were no signs pointing the way, but all three of us were attracted to it. It felt like one of the most sacred places I've chanced upon, and made me think of you. It's one memory among many I want to post more about. I might also post a picture of the Laurentian Mountains where we camped about 50 km north of Quebec ( ... )


writer00 August 26 2005, 16:22:59 UTC
Sounds so beautiful. How many birds are now on your life list total, and when did you start counting?


vaneramos August 26 2005, 20:56:27 UTC
It has been several years since I added to the list so I will have to check the total when I get home, something like 240. That's relatively small, because I haven't had much opportunity to birdwatch outside Ontario. I would have liked to spend more time on several of those sites, and a companion more experienced with shorebirds and seabirds.

I have birdwatched since childhood. I didn't start keeping a life list until about 1982, but it includes a few earlier records of rarities and species observed on trips to Florida and British Columbia during my teens.


writer00 August 26 2005, 21:04:52 UTC
Have you ever seen a bird that is now extinct?


vaneramos August 26 2005, 21:57:34 UTC
No. Probably the rarest bird I saw was a Kirtland Warbler, which is endangered and breeds only in a tiny range in Michigan.


detailbear August 26 2005, 17:26:31 UTC
Welcome back.



vaneramos August 26 2005, 20:57:09 UTC
Thanks Kevin. I look forward to seeing you after Labour Day.


mattcallow August 26 2005, 19:16:50 UTC
Welcome home!


vaneramos August 26 2005, 20:57:24 UTC
Thanks. It's good to be back.


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