haro in usxuk

Spring Fever 2009 Fic/Art-Athon

Apr 05, 2009 06:49

Both America and England aren't feeling that well right now. It's not the springtime allergies getting to them this year; it's those dastardly colds brought on by their current economic issues. So what better way to lift their spirits than to celebrate their relationship through fic and art? Okay, so they probably wouldn't agree with that. Aw, but we're still going to do it. Methinks they dost protest too much.

A fic/art-athon is fairly straightforward. There aren't too many rules and regulations. So let's get to it!

1- Each member may claim two prompts and submit two fanworks. If you claim one thing and want to come back in the future to snag something else, you're free to do so. Please remember that some prompts may be in high demand (only one person per prompt!), so try not to claim unless you think you're going to be able to do it. I will not close the claims post. You may come back and claim at any point up to the due date. If you claim two prompts, you are welcome to do both as fic or both as art. You do not have to do one fic and one art (although you can).
2- There is no specified length for fanfic, and fanart may be any medium. It does not have to be colored. Comics, crafts, and poetry are welcome as well. You can do a combination of the two as well- i.e. a drabble and a piece of art for one prompt.
3- You don't need to structure your piece rigidly around the prompt. If you set out to complete it, and it gets away from you a bit, don't worry too much about it. We just want the prompt to still be there in some substantial manner. Quote and lyric prompts do not need to have the quote/lyrics in the piece. You should just capture the spirit of the prompt in your piece.
4- You may post your piece at any point in time between now and the due date. Please tag your post with the '2009 Spring Fever Fic/Art-Athon' tag as well as the fanfic or fanart tag.
5- NC-17 is okay, but make sure the post is locked. AU is also okay. In fact, some prompts lend themselves to AU.
6- If your submission is going to be late, please let us know.

Reply to THIS post with the prompt(s) you wish to claim. If you have any questions about a prompt, let us know. I will put your username next to the prompt once you've claimed it.

THE FIC/ART-ATHON DUE DATE IS MAY 19TH. This gives you about a month and a half to complete your pieces. Good luck!


-The Stamp Act
-Shot Heard 'Round the World- jackalyn
-The Treaty of Paris- konishii
-Jay Treaty
-Burning of Washington- binnin
-The Trent Affair- saramon
-Sinking of the RMS Lusitania
-Cooperation during World War I- lelek
-Washington Naval Treaty
-Destroyers for Bases Agreement
-Founding of the United Nations
-Cold War Cooperation- masterofveggies
-Falklands War

-America's First Lady Michelle Obama broke royal protocol during a reception at Buckingham Palace when she placed her arm around the Queen. But rather than take offence, Her Majesty took the unusual step of returning the gesture by putting her arm round Mrs Obama's waist - almost as if to confirm the special relationship the politicians are so keen to play up. [ARTICLE]- rewritten

-This year's G20 summit. What were America and England up to?- hakuku

-America and England's reaction to the upcoming Special Relationship movie- sayasama


There is no international partnership in recent history that has served the world better than the special relationship between Britain and the United States. I believe there is no challenge so great or so difficult that it cannot be overcome by America, Britain and the world working together- Gordon Brown 2009

We possess nothing certainly except the past. - Evelyn Waugh- a-white-rain

People so seldom say I love you And then it's either too late or love goes. So when I tell you I love you, It doesn't mean I know you'll never go, Only that I wish you didn't have to.- shourii

Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction. -Saint-Exupery- kaneha

A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous. -Ingrid Bergman- noonish

The richest love is that which submits to the arbitration of time. -Lawrence Durrell- jackalyn

Love without reason lasts the longest.- Unknown- aoinu99

There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness. - Friedrich Nietzsche- dynastic

I love you, not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.- Roy Croft- darth_animus

Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.- Robert Heimlein- abarero

I'm here to kick butt and drink tea, and I'm all out of tea. - Yugioh the Abridged- michikixthien

What a pain in the ass you are. And it's true: You're not young, you're not new, and you do make people laugh. And me? I'm still with you because you make me laugh. - The Birdcage- howellcakes

There's only one place in the world I call home and that's because you're there. - The Birdcage- moonie-pie

I create feelings within others, that they themselves don't understand.- Cars- azureobsidian

I can't lose you again! I can't. Not again. I'm not strong enough. - The Incredibles- tanya_tsuki

"That was our first date!" "We had chips!" - Doctor Who- parttime_job

You're my lucky pants. - Doctor Who

All's fair in love and war, and this is a bit of both. - Harry Potter- naoko_andre

You can't do this to me, I'm American! - Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark- fujiwara_san

They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Naturally they became heroes. - Star Wars: A New Hope- candlelit_waltz

"I love you!" "I know."- Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back- azureobsidian

First of all, it's cretin. If you're going to threaten me do it properly!- Monsters, Inc- liverdatt

There's no need to try to cover everything in the lyrics. You may focus your piece on just one or two lines. However, please let us know what they are when you post them.

-Greatest Man That Ever Lived- Weezer- bridgetsmidge18
-Knock Down Drag Out- Weezer
-My Life Would Suck Without You- Kelly Clarkson- tanya_tsuki
-I Want You to Want Me- Cheap Trick
-Bliss- Muse
-Lifeline- Angels and Airwaves
-The War- Angels and Airwaves- jaderlife
-The More You Ruv Someone- Avenue Q- gngstermoney32
- Do You Want to Know a Secret?- The Beatles- dragonsflame713
-Got to Get You Into My Life- The Beatles- moonie-pie
-Signal Fire- Snow Patrol- cleartempest
-Insatiable- Darren Hayes
-The Only One- Darren Hayes

-Meaning of true courage- mitsukiyame13
-Playing board games- nyametan
-Popping out of a birthday cake- hime_chan17
-To the Batmobile, Robin- syusuke_kun31
-If you wanted honesty- candlelit_waltz
-Just call my name- left-tool
-Day at an amusement park- bluef0x
-Defying gravity- cleartempest
-What Dreams May Come- jpbashkihr
-Fairy Tales- left-tool
-On the swim team together
-Homework helper- keepasmile
- Hogwarts AU- lolishipper
-Cowboy America introduces England to the Wild West- moodybear
-Captain America- jpbashkihr
-The infamous Spider-Man movie kiss- howellcakes
-Fairy Tale Parody- kanami-yuuta
-America takes England on a NASA mission- chosauria
-America and England as spies- mithrigil
-Getting caught in a rainstorm- chappuholic
-Scary movie watching night- pau_panda
-Talk nerdy to me- viola_player
-America, with a reluctant England's help, pranks other countries- dragonsflame713
-Costume Party- hime_chan17
- Buying a pet- gngstermoney32
-Acting out Shakespeare- puella_nerdii
-Rugby vs. Football- nekoneko_chi
-The London Eye- introject
- Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson- twistedsheets10
-Watching EastEnders- bridgetsmidge18
-"It's modern art!" - fegie
-Summer at Hyde Park (London)- fudge_coco
-May I have this dance?- chappuholic
-I now pronounce you, spouses for life.- darth-animus
-Road trip- bluef0x

Insert any country or historical figure into the blank.

-___ sets up America and England on a blind date- lolishipper
-America talks to ___ about his feelings for England- miyuki-mina
-While drunk, England tells ___ more than he'd like to about his relationship with America- wingsover
-America OR England gets jealous about the other one's friendship with ____ . That country in turn helps the two hook up or mediates the argument.- harosketch
-England OR America gets love advice from ___ .- kanami-yuuta
-America and England take a vacation in ___'s country. - darth-animus
-A view of America and England's relationship from ____'s outside perspective.- nekoneko_chi


- France invites America to attend a European dance party (of course, other European countries are there.), and so America asks England to teach him how to dance. - haro

- America feels nostalgic and asks England to take a shower with him for old times. Needless to say, things don't go exactly as planned. - NC-17- technoranma

-The wars, economy, all the hate's been eating away at America. England misses seeing his smile, so he does what he can to make America happy. - scribblefish

- America and England go clothes shopping, and America decides to help England, who has trouble getting his clothes on in the dressing room. Things get a little off track. - NC-17- dynastic

-America drags England out to play in the snow with him, except things go bad and England catches a cold. America does what he can to help, and when all else fails, the kiss of love prevails! ... Not really. - sillyputtie

-America and England's relationship throughout World War II, from 1939 - 1945. Bonus points for the other Allies' thoughts on their relationship, and/or incorporation of historical battles.- - mithrigil and puella_nerdii

-Magical!UK uses a spell to get America to fall in love/lust with him, but it only works for one day. Sexings/confessions ensue. UK gets sad thinking that US only loves him because of his spell and that it will wear off soon, US confesses he loved him all along and that he really hasn't been under the spell because he already loved him.- mythril

Here's hoping for a grand success!

edit: I have taken the liberty of bolding all remaining prompts.

2009 spring fever fic/art-athon, community projects, mod!post

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