Ah. Yes. That.

Jun 27, 2013 15:55

My editor calls and I say, with much apologizing. “Did you get my e-mail? There’s a lot of art in this Dragonbreath-more than usual-and I might need an extension to November first.”

EDITOR: But…wait…your deadline was November 1st.

ME: It was?


ME: …oh. Well, never mind then.

EDITOR: You are the only person who asks for an extension so ( Read more... )


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Comments 18

bellinghman June 27 2013, 17:22:56 UTC
This leaves me wondering whether (a) your editor is absurdly happy that you are obviously going to meet the original deadline, or (b) scared that you're going to blow straight past the other deadlines because you've not actually aware of when they are.

(In practice, I would hope for (c) your editor makes sure you're both straight on when they are, with a gentle reminder or two)


ursulav June 27 2013, 17:44:36 UTC
Well, I am apparently known around the office as "that author who hands everything in early." To listen to people talk when I went up there, this was a profound insanity. (One of the editors cornered Kevin to ask how the hell I did it and did I sleep at all, and he had to explain that I used to be a cover artist and if I didn't meet deadline I didn't EAT.)

Honestly, I do get frustrated by how slow everyone moves sometimes, but I do try to remember that they have twenty or thirty books to work on, and I just have my two or three. *grin*


kevinbunny June 27 2013, 17:32:33 UTC
I am reminded of Douglas Adams, who was of the opposite bent: "I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they go by."


mckenzee June 27 2013, 17:57:22 UTC
Or, as Jamie likes to do, there is a deadline, a "real" deadline, and a "real" "final" deadline.


ursulav June 27 2013, 18:12:55 UTC
I always loved that one.


dornbeast June 27 2013, 18:56:00 UTC
And, in some circles, the "drop dead" line.


ysabet June 27 2013, 18:05:39 UTC
**grins** This IS the author-equivalent of breaking the laws of physics, you do know that, right? Just saying. Also, I've sometimes wondered if editors wistfully remember the entymology of the word 'deadline' and wish they could enact the original punishment for passing one.


ursulav June 27 2013, 18:14:31 UTC
"I'm gonna need a few more weeks--"

*gun-cocking sound*

"On second thought, sleep is for the weak."


fractalwolf June 27 2013, 19:19:25 UTC
I wish I could do that with some of my authors...


mizkit June 27 2013, 19:52:49 UTC
I dream of being that far ahead someday. :)


ursulav June 28 2013, 03:08:23 UTC
I'm not so much ahead as they're behind. Then it gets bumped out and I work on something else because I get antsy.


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