meet you here tomorrow

Feb 12, 2006 21:04

i'm naaarrrrvous about going back to uni tomorrow. there'll be all new people, and they'll all be like, 'i'm scared because i don't know how to be a teacher' and i'll be all like 'suck it up, bitches, i'm halfway through this course' and then i will sit in the corner alone for the semester because I won't have made any friends that way ( Read more... )

uni, natalie dee

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Comments 19

doctorscurvy February 12 2006, 03:34:22 UTC
Hold the phone. Uni starts tomorrow? Which timezone are you in again? Why does nothing tell me when uni starts? Why does the property and services division tell me that uni starts on the 27th?

stressing out, stressing out


doctorscurvy February 12 2006, 03:37:19 UTC
I would like to add that I am only a quarter of the way through the teaching course. I do not know how to be a teacher, but I figure neither do a number of teachers I've met, so no problem.


katacular February 12 2006, 05:51:38 UTC
i believe i am qualified to answer your concerns. i, like you, was confused by the oddness of keb's term-starting-dates. she explained the reason in great detail to me on more than one occasion. unfortunately i can't remember what that reason was.

something about teaching rounds?


urbn_pirate February 13 2006, 02:00:31 UTC
why, my friends, let me explain. Are you sitting down? Good. Can everyone see the pictures? Good. I'm doing a 1.5 year course in 1 year. so they have to jam the extra half year into us somehow, often painfully. Like the 9 hour no-break day I have on Mondays this semester. Painful, but not as painful as the 11 hour no-break Monday I had last semester.

what kind of teacher are you gonna be? a crrrraaaaAAZY teacher? that's the kind i'm going to be. with small children. Yarrrr.


katacular February 12 2006, 05:53:25 UTC
by the way, pilf is wwwwaaaaaaaaaaay cuter that cilf.


labiapatrol February 12 2006, 10:36:48 UTC
I like them both


labiapatrol February 12 2006, 10:37:31 UTC
..she said sounding very diplomatic


katacular February 12 2006, 22:28:21 UTC
m. i suppose cilf is equally cute.

...she said easily swayed


emjoy_jently February 12 2006, 19:54:15 UTC
i like cilf more...sooo cute....pilf would be for uni...ummmmi got nothing....labia patrol THAT'S funny!


katacular February 12 2006, 22:30:39 UTC
what are you planning on doing with pilf?


urbn_pirate February 13 2006, 01:56:23 UTC
yeah, which end are you looking at? um....


emjoy_jently February 13 2006, 09:26:56 UTC
Hunting wolverine...whataya THINK.....GOSH!


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