
Apr 14, 2004 21:58

hmmmm. today was so satisfying. i wish i had more to say but nothing particularly exciting happened, just little things that made my day ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

xanother_brickx April 14 2004, 22:17:03 UTC
i CANNOT BE-LIEVE YOU! you did not mention rubberband! ahhh! that was the essence of rehearsal today! lol we gotta sign her up for pimp my ride. i don't know what they'd do with the gardeners truck but it'd be COOL thats for sure.

okay and ew the gnats were gross and i was laying on the grass looking up and there are SO gnats flying around that i noticed because they are black and they were infront of the blue sky.


unplug_me April 14 2004, 22:20:26 UTC
wubber ban man....how on earth did i forget? hmmm i think we basically agree that gnats are just gross and annoying, yes?

tomorrow...dance, i'm excited, hehe!


sugar__hit April 14 2004, 22:43:40 UTC
I will never look at coconut trees the same again. ♥


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