Avatar: The Last Airbender
five ways water looks at fire by
sholioReally lovely story showing how Zuko evolves over the course of the series through Katara's eyes.
Sun Blast Your Shadow by
pearl_oBrutally realistic and heartbreaking look at Zuko trying to win the peace.
Teamwork by
lizbeeMai and Iroh FIGHT CRIME! Or, they catch the guy who tries to assassinate Zuko, anyway. Adorable.
"Been a long time since I saw anyone use a fukiya," he says. Carefully, he removes the dart from within and sniffs the tip. "Red belladonna. Very nice. Slow acting, so he'd have hours to regret his sins. Most young people want nothing to do with the old ways."
"Zuko will be happy to know he was almost murdered by a historical recreationist," says Mai.
水火 by
trascendenzaAzula, in prison, learning from her mistakes. Still herself, but wiser with the knowledge.
"Where there is life, there must be death. None of us can change this."
"You don't fear what I will do?" Azula said, because it was impossible to believe. That was her definition of self - she was fear itself, the bar by which all others measured themselves. That had escaped her for a time, but instead of softening her ferocity she'd found that these practices had brought her deeper into her original convictions. What she found in herself didn't align with her image of what a healer did.
"Your skills must be cultivated," Sifu said. When she looked at Azula, there was a knowing and a tenderness that made Azula feel completely exposed, all the more because Sifu did not flinch away from what she saw. When Sifu looked at her, Azula felt she was not fearful at all, that she was only what she needed to be. "What you will do is out of my hands."