Who; Harry Dresden
hellsbellsharry , Misaki Asou
godlessblossom , Also open to any employees of Strife Delivery Service.
What; Harry goes in for his first day of work.
Where; Strife Delivery Service HQ
When; Backdated to Tuesday morning-ish. 10 am onwards it's open to anyone else.
Rating; G.
Status; Open, ongoing.
So a wizard walks into a post office... )
Her body language was relaxed so she wasn't here for trouble but, hey, anyone who wants to get the jmp on another wouldn't broadcast it. He gripped his cane with it's little surprise and nodded to her statment.
"Yeah, let me guess, Jill or Clare? Because I know you're not Fenris. Not grouchy enough."
"Jill," she offered with a nod. "Jill Valentine." She quickly racked her memory for the name Misaki had mentioned. "It's... Dresden, right?"
"That's me. Harry Dresden." He gave her a smile. "Nice to meet you, Jill Valentine."
"Nope. Well... we had one customer." He ducked behind the desk and pulled up a wrapped package, it's information sticky taped to it's wrapping. "But that's it." He said limping to set it on the desk.
Turning her attention to the parcel, she nodded as she scanned the writing taped to it. "Dead day, then?" she asked, and shot him a casual smile. "Not bad for your first day, at least."
"Ceah, can't complain really. Could be so much worse."
She quickly glanced towards where she guessed to be the source of the guy's discomfort, frowning just slightly. "New wound?"
"Yeah, got it rescuing someone called Voodoo. Should be fine soon though."
Entirely serious, she looked at him and asked, "Is that like a mage, then?" She was learning otherworldly terms as she met them. No harm in asking outright.
"Ah... well... Wizard's a title denoting a high level of skill and ability in regards to magic. So.... no. Not a mage."
She gave a half-shrug herself. "I'm still learning my way around the culture mash here. There's nothing like magic back where I'm from."
Harry smiled. "That's ok, most of the people back home believes that too."
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