Posting...about posting, mostly

Aug 29, 2013 01:15

It's still great seeing so much traffic on my DW flist. *^^* So exciting! There are a couple of posts I want to respond to at least a bit (by which I mean "link to them and write a little bit on the subject"), mainly dealing with the topic of commenting and how people think about it, but that clearly hasn't happened yet ( Read more... )

personal, writing process, kittens kittens kittens, brain weasels, the girl, dreamwidth

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Comments 6

sabotabby August 29 2013, 12:09:21 UTC
Probably the best reason to have cats is that they de-stress you. I mean, Marinetti stresses me out now that he's old and batshit crazy but I was so freaked out about school and now I'm far less so because whatever happens, at least I have him back. And on a good day, coming home to fuzzy things that purr is the most relaxing thing ever.

I have a thing about posting every day because of something that someone said about my FB posts-namely that they were so frequent that he had to turn off notifications for me. This is a guy who's romantically interested in me, no less. But I actually really appreciate when other people post frequently on teh LJ, because it means there's still some life in the old girl.


umadoshi August 29 2013, 14:20:07 UTC
Purring is one of the best things in the world. *^^* Ours are little purring machines! It's wonderful!

I often get that kind of feeling about posting "too much", but I try to remind myself that it's easy for people to scroll by if they aren't interested in whatever I'm talking about. (It makes me especially prone to using lj cuts, though. ^^;)


coastal_spirit August 29 2013, 13:00:57 UTC
I never quite made the transition to DW. I have an account there, and I think it's awesome, but other than you and Ginny, most of my regular posters are here, and both of you cross-post (at least I think Ginny does?). snapdragon76 and hymnia are there also, and they also cross-post, and post sporadically, and also, they're both fairly active on Facebook, so I keep up with them there. I keep telling myself to be more active on DW, but I have so much to keep up with between LJ and FB and Tumblr that another journal seems like not such a good idea, and I just don't want to give up LJ because, again, of the friend factor. I love Tumblr, but it's a time-suck. ;) There's a lot I don't love about Facebook, but I have met some really good people there, and there are some lovely communities that I can't get elsewhere, and I also keep up with friends who don't use any other source of online communication there. So there you have it, and why I'm telling you this is beyond me. @_ ( ... )


umadoshi August 29 2013, 14:25:37 UTC
I admit I selfishly wish you'd bonded more with DW. ^^; But if it's not where you feel at home,'s not, so why worry about it?

I can't estimate how much time DW adds to my online time compared to LJ, because I've been actively trying to get involved in the community etc. over there--and actively trying not to establish more connections over here. I think there are about five of you on my flist who actually post on LJ without crossposting, and otherwise it's all communities ( ... )


strayfish August 29 2013, 21:49:25 UTC
Ah DW... never did switch over, mostly because I never really got used to LJ in the first place so there didn't really seem to be a point. I just couldn't get in the habit of regularly talking about my life, even though I don't really have any qualms about it in person :x

But I do love reading what my friends are up to so I still check LJ every day :)


umadoshi August 30 2013, 00:55:12 UTC
That's entirely valid!

I love DW so much, but LJ mostly makes me sad these days. (Or years.) Nearly every change LJ has made in the past several years has been terrible, IMO, and if it weren't for a handful of people who still only post here (and the fact that this is a permanent account), I think I'd be long gone. :/


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