Koishite Akuma, and just how bad it is.

Apr 16, 2010 04:31

Uh, has anyone watched Koishite Akuma? I meant to watch it ages ago, but it was airing at the same time as Buzzer Beat, and obviously Yamapi won that round. calledinvain had mentioned how ridiculous it was, but OMG I was not prepared for the utter level of badness. IT'S SO BAD, GUYS! I mean, baaaaaadThat being said, I'm totally going to watch more of it ( Read more... )

koishite akuma, japaaaan!!!, drama, jdrama

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Comments 9

airplanemusic April 16 2010, 09:19:10 UTC
I never finished watching it, but I did start it. And YES. SO SO SO BAD.



uisceros April 16 2010, 09:22:29 UTC
I HONESTLY CANNOT BELIEVE HOW BAD IT IS! It's worse than Koizora, and that's saying something.

It's not like I want to sex him up (especially if he has trouble with his fangs), just admire him from across a room... He's a BABY, man. A fucking baby...


airplanemusic April 16 2010, 09:28:21 UTC
How does it end?

Heh, suuuure. Next thing you know, you'll be going to Johnny's Jr. concerts and fangirling the little 9 year olds (seriously, there are 9 year old Juniors right now. they were born in 2000 which blows my fucking mind...or maybe there's just one, but that's plenty)


uisceros April 16 2010, 09:35:11 UTC
I'll spoiler-text it, just in case!

I only skimmed, but what I got from it was that vampire boy didn't want to drink Makoto's blood, because he LURVED her, and it made him weak and everything. And somehow he was found out to be a vampire (on tape... by Oscar... no clue), and everyone was all like "hey, you're dangerous! We have to bully you, and attack your family's restaurant! Which doesn't make sense, because HEEEELLLLLOOO, vampire! So stuff happened, and I guess Vampire boy was like "fuck this shit! I hates being a vampire if it means alienating everyone, and having to drink MY TRUE LOVE'S blood...", so he decided to die. And he like, turned into dust. I don't know how, because sun doesn't kill him... And Makoto cried, and then no one remembered him for some reason. It was weird....Hahahahahahahaha no. CREEEEEEEEPPPPPYYY! NINE?! The fact that people born in 2000 are actually, like, able to think freaks me out. Remember when people born in 1990 were like babies? How did we get so old? What am I doing with my life? I wish it were ( ... )


biases April 16 2010, 14:14:31 UTC
Whee, thank you for telling us the ending! My friend was being all cagey and "I don't want to spoil it for you!" and I was like, "You know I hate shit endings, just tell me now so I don't have to watch it if it ends in death!" and she just played coy and wouldn't tell me, now I can mark that one off my list.

Damn that kid for being so hot, though. Like Taemin from SHINee, most of the time I find him repellant, but occasionally he busts out these sexy expressions and LOL BY THE WAY, HE'S FIFTEEN.

Jailbait; the worst kind of tease.


anenko April 16 2010, 15:15:34 UTC
I just watched the ending... I don't want to watch the rest anymore... It's gonna make me sad.

I hate that SO MUCH. You're watching a show full of cracky good fun, and then ANGST AND DESPAIR. Not cool, Japan, not cool.


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