
Oct 27, 2005 22:40

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damn thoes elmos

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Comments 23

elise_black October 28 2005, 02:44:31 UTC
I honestly have to say your pretty...


u_think_ur_punk October 31 2005, 03:48:45 UTC
aww well thank you ever much

quick question

who are you?


elise_black October 31 2005, 05:56:30 UTC
someone who goes by the name of elise ^_^


(The comment has been removed)

u_think_ur_punk October 31 2005, 03:50:42 UTC
1. well its ok i thnk you are 2
2. damn stright i was
3.haha yea i feel sad 4 u
4. well duh we knew that already....
5.YAY for an amazing car ride
6. it took me 3 hours and lots or slective, replace and flitering color
7. And you are just as stunning


pvtdancer October 28 2005, 03:53:21 UTC
it looks almost like anime porn!! not that i know what that looks like or anything...that's what my friend said!


todays_headline October 28 2005, 14:20:56 UTC
It totally looks like one of those anime cartoons.
I saw one last night. It was not something I Would like to repeat.


u_think_ur_punk October 31 2005, 03:51:36 UTC
to emily/sarah
+i was going for anime

-not porn

and i don't know what to say to the rest of either of your comments


falling_awake October 28 2005, 20:26:16 UTC
thats what im thinking.


u_think_ur_punk October 29 2005, 18:23:38 UTC
u make me smile


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